Page 126 of Voyeur
Silver leaned forward and kissed Honor’s stomach while she continued to stroke herself.
“Taste me,” Honor said next, spreading her folds to give Silver space to lick her hard clit, and after a few seconds, she added, “I’m ready.”
Silver backed up into the chair, which, thankfully, had no arms. Honor wondered, only for a moment, if the reason it had no arms was because Devin and Brandi fucked on it, too. Then, she slipped easily over the dildo, and Silver held on to her as she rode her.
“I was close,” Silver shared.
“Can you come like this?”
“Inside you? Yes,” she replied.
Honor heard sounds of kissing behind her, so she turned to look. Devin was on top of Brandi, and they were kissing softly. Neither of them was asking for more in that moment, and it was sexy in its sweetness. When Honor heard them whisper, “I love you,” to one another, she returned her attention to Silver, who looked like she was about to come already.
“I’m not close yet,” Honor told her. “But come when you want. Let go, baby.”
She dropped down on top of the toy as hard as her body would allow, and Silver came. Honor rolled her hips then, pressing her clit into Silver’s sex with every roll, and came as she kissed Silver hard.
“God, yes!” she let out.
Silver pulled out of the messy kiss, and her hips moved fast, causing Honor’s orgasm to continue when it should have died out already. When Honor came all the way down, she kissed Silver again and held on to her. Silver’s arms were around Honor’s sweaty back, and Honor felt so safe.
“Any chance you’d let me take your girlfriend into my bedroom so she can go down on me?” Brandi asked.
Honor turned to see that she and Dev were holding on to one another on the sofa.
“Babe?” Honor asked Silver.
“Is that okay with you?” Silver asked.
“Dev and I have only been with each other since the last time Silver and I were together, and we’ve both been tested since then,” Brandi added. “In case you were worried about that.”
“I wasn’t. I trust all of you,” Honor replied and cupped Silver’s cheek. “Have fun. I love you.”
Silver smiled up at her and said, “Have fun with Dev. I love you.” She kissed between Honor’s breasts.
After Brandi took Silver’s hand, they headed into the bedroom, and Devin sat on the sofa, looking at Honor with a combination of hope and caution in her eyes.
“We don’t have to do anything, if you don’t want to,” she said.
“Can you take that thing off?”
“Sure.” Devin stood and removed the harness.
“Lie on the floor?”
Devin did as she was told without another word.
“When I first met Silver, I was still struggling to come to terms with the fact that I’m gay. I’d never been with a woman.” Honor knelt down in front of Devin and spread her legs. “One of the things I discovered that night was that my concerns about the whole going down on a woman thing were totally ridiculous.”
“You had concerns?” Devin asked.
“I didn’t know whether I’d like it; giving or receiving. Then, I did that to Silver – sat on her face – and fuck, if it’s not my favorite thing to do to a woman now.” Honor shifted into position. “So, I’d like to do that to you now, if that’s okay. I’ve been tested since my last partner, too, and I can get something if you want–”
“Just fucking take me,” Devin told her. “And, Honor, I trust you, too.”
Honor smiled up at her. Then, she lowered her mouth to Devin’s center and licked her. Devin didn’t taste as good as Silver – no women Honor had been with so far had – but that just might be because she loved how Silver tasted.
“Yes,” Devin said. “I like that. You can lick me like that, and I’ll come.”