Page 28 of Voyeur
“Yeah. I might need to get some RAM or something. I can grab that at the store at the end of the day and maybe drop it off to you tonight.”
“No, tomorrow will be fine if that’s the case. Thank you, Alec,” she said.
She knew Alec had a little crush on her, and she did her best not to give him any hope that the feelings were reciprocated, but she also drew the line at telling him she was a lesbian because Alec seemed like the kind of guy who might suggest that she just hadn’t been with the right guy yet, and Honor wasn’t interested in that kind of idiocy.
Alec seemed to take the hint and left the office. She expected he had the RAM or whatever it was that he needed in stock and that she’d have a computer on her desk by the end of the day, which was important because Honor wanted to be able to use her own laptop for personal reasons and only personal reasons now more than ever. She wanted to research some sites that might provide her with what she needed and maybe even purchase herself some more toys without worrying about getting cookied and then having ads pop up in meetings when she was sharing her screen.
She was like a woman on a mission now, and it was embarrassing. Whatever Silver had in her that allowed her to be so free all the time, Honor didn’t think she possessed. It had been the best night of her entire life, and she could admit that now that she’d had some time to process why she’d let Silver take her back to the office in the first place. The problem with that was that Honor wasn’t sure how she’d ever be able to just meet a woman, date her, and then have that kind of regular, vanilla, fluffy sex now that she’d had the earth-shattering, world-altering sex from a woman who seemed to know fully what she wanted and took it.
By the time Alec dropped off the computer and left, looking a little disappointed that she had been on the phone and couldn’t talk to him, Honor was exhausted and ready to go home, eat dinner, take a long, hot bath, and go to bed. She would get some distance from this whole Silver thing, and eventually, her controlled life would go back to normal. She’d go to work every day, go home at night, call her parents once a week, and have dinner with her sister when she felt like it while also trying to get up the courage to go on a date with a woman.
Making the decision to tell Kathleen that she’d like to at least hear more about her sister-in-law, Honor was about to close her computer to go tell Kathleen that very news when she got a ping. She checked her personal email and shut the computer quickly. Then, she picked up her phone and opened the mail app on it, seeing the new ticket appear.
“Damn it, Silver,” she said, knowing full well who had sent her another free ticket for the show that night.
“Back again, I see? Do I need to review the rules with you?”
“No, I know them,” Honor replied as the woman scanned her ticket.
“Have fun… Again.” The woman chuckled.
Honor wondered if she ever took a night off before walking inside. Jay wasn’t at his usual post, so maybe it was his night off. Honor didn’t really know what she was doing here tonight. She told herself that she wouldn’t come back and that she needed to get Silver off her mind. Coming to the one place she knew Silver would be was the worst way to do that, but something kept drawing her here.
After going to the bar and finishing her wine in three gulps, Honor saw the lights flicker and knew that, even if that free ticket hadn’t shown up in her inbox, she would’ve bought one for herself anyway, and she’d still be walking around, taking in the performances in the scenes, as Silver had called them.
Honor also knew precisely where she wanted to go, and that was to Silver’s office. She wanted to march in there, lock the door behind them, and tear off her own clothes. She wanted Silver to press her up against something hard and take her. She wanted Silver’s mouth on her, pulling every bit of pleasure from Honor’s body, while Honor screamed Silver’s name into a room filled with other people experiencing pleasure that couldn’t feel nearly as good as what Silver had done to her last night, but she didn’t. She resisted, feeling proud of herself for that fact, as she kept standing in front of an empty room, waiting to see who might walk in and what they might do to one another. Even after having been here three nights in a row, Honor still had a few scenes left that she hadn’t been able to take in due to getting distracted.
A few moments later, a female performer walked into the scene setting. She was wearing a dress that shimmered in the soft yellow light, making the gold sequence appear like a sexy disco ball, if there was such a thing. Then, Honor gasped and covered her mouth. She moved to the side next and stood there, watching as Silver entered the scene wearing jeans and a button-down shirt. Honor swallowed because she could see a tell-tale bulge in Silver’s jeans, and when Silver’s hand went to it and cupped it, Honor’s heart started to race.
Silver’s scene partner lifted a little at the hem of her dress as Silver continued to rub the bulge in her pants. Then, Silver moved quickly into her and kissed her hard. She lifted at the dress roughly, and a thong hit the ground after. Silver’s hands went to her gold belt buckle, and she undid it and dropped her jeans below her ass, revealing a gold dildo at her hips, attached with what looked like a black leather harness. The performer began stroking the dildo hard and fast before she knelt in front of Silver and took it in her mouth. Meanwhile, Silver stood there and slowly undid the buttons on her shirt as if what the woman was doing to the toy was for her and did nothing at all for Silver.
Honor shifted again, a little more central than off to the side now, and watched as Silver separated the sides of her shirt, revealing she had no bra on underneath. She did have on nipple clamps that were also in gold, and her hands massaged her breasts as she closed her eyes. The performer then stood and moved back to the wall that was actually painted with graffiti as if they were outside a building and Silver had just walked up to her like this. Silver moved into her again, and soon, the golden dildo was inside the other woman.
Honor felt two things at once. She was unbelievably turned on watching Silver take this other woman, but she was also very upset at watching Silver take this other woman. They weren’t kissing anymore. Silver’s head was against the woman’s shoulder, and she was clearly thrusting hard. Silver was also holding the other woman’s leg up, giving herself better access, and Honor wanted to cry and scream in pleasure at the same time.
What had she expected? Silver had told her how much she loved sex; how she fucked women all the time. And this was just part of her job, apparently, being in the show. Silver hadn’t been in it the previous three nights, but maybe she’d decided to join just so she could fuck as many women as possible before it ended.
Either way, Honor didn’t want to keep watching. She didn’t want to see Silver make this woman come. She went to turn, but just as she did, she ended up stepping just slightly inside the spotlight’s range. Silver’s head moved at that exact moment, and they made eye contact. Silver didn’t hesitate at all. If anything, she moved harder and faster inside this other woman as she stared into Honor’s eyes. Her hand moved to the woman’s hip, and she pushed in deeper. The woman moaned.
“Yes! Yes!” she let out.
Honor swallowed, wanting to leave, but now she was determined to show Silver that this wasn’t getting to her at all.
Silver bit down on the woman’s shoulder and looked back up at Honor as her hips continued to rock. When her hand disappeared into the woman’s dress, Honor knew Silver was stroking her clit.
“Oh, fuck!” the performer yelled.
Silver looked so sexy. She looked so very turned on. Honor wanted to touch herself, watching her make this woman feel good. When she balled her hands into fists at her side, that caught Silver’s attention. Silver smirked, and her hips really went to work then. Honor clenched her thighs, and Silver’s eyes lowered to watch.
“God, yes! I’m coming!” the woman screamed loudly into the open space. “Fuck me, baby.”
Silver bit down on the woman’s shoulder again, and Honor lost it. She clenched and released over and over again until her mouth formed an O, and she came while Silver’s piercing blue eyes bore into her own. Then, she gathered herself, turned around, and left.