Page 37 of Voyeur
“I didn’t have nearly enough time to memorize you, but I’d like to.”
“Do you talk like this to all the women you bed?”
“No,” Silver said quickly. “I don’t kiss them how I kissed you the other night, either.”
“I saw you kiss her last night.”
“Hard, yes. Fevered, yeah. It was for show. Part of the scene. I kissed you slowly, Honor. I sucked on your tongue and pulled your lip into my mouth so I could suck on it. I generally only suck on other parts of women’s bodies.”
“Why did you do that with me, then?”
“Because I wanted to,” Silver confessed. “And I want to again.”
“We’re not going to your place or mine, Silver. I have to work tomorrow, and I’m already exhausted.”
“Come to the show tomorrow night,” Silver requested. Then, she reached over the table, took Honor’s hand, and added, “Please. Show up. Watch me. I’ll watch you.”
“Then, what? What’s the point, Silver? I don’t just sleep with people. I’ve never had a one-night stand in my life until the other night. I–”
“It’s only a one-night stand because you’re making it one,” Silver suggested. “I’ve offered to make it way more than one night an embarrassing number of times tonight.” Silver laughed a little. “Honor, I don’t mean this to sound like I’m bragging, but I have a best friend, who has a girlfriend, and they love it when I join them in the bedroom. I could text them right now, tell them I want to come over, and I could have sex with them for hours.”
“Then, why are you here?”
“Because I want to be here with you more than I want to be there with them.”
“I just don’t get why.”
“Ours is not to reason when it feels this good,” Silver replied. “The show is going to go through a few changes this week, with us having to lose a few performers. We extended things, but that also meant some people weren’t available later this week. So, I might have to step in more; I don’t know yet. But, Honor, I want you to come tomorrow night. Then, after the show’s over, we can go somewhere and just talk like this. I won’t lie: I want to sleep with you. You know that already, so there’s no need to pretend otherwise, but we can also talk. And maybe if we do that, you won’t run away from me at the end of the night.”
Honor thought about leaving now. She could toss a few dollars onto the table, get up, and tell Silver to have a nice life. She could choose to never see her again, and eventually, she’d push all these thoughts about being with her out of her head. She’d meet a nice woman. They’d go on a few dates, have sex, and it would be good, bad, or somewhere in between. Then, at some point, they’d be exclusive, and maybe they’d get married if this fictional woman wanted that. It was an easy decision. That was the clear answer: say goodbye to Silver and this show forever and get back to her normal life.
“I’ll go,” she replied instead.
“Yeah? Tomorrow?”
“I’ll be there.”
“I’ll send you a ticket tomorrow. But, Honor, can we maybe still stay here and eat together, too? I can tell you more about me, and you can tell me more about you.”
“I’d like that,” she admitted.
“And then tomorrow night, if I’m not pushing my luck here, can we maybe not come here or be in my office? I’m thinking we can just go back to my place.”
“Your place? Really? To talk?”
Silver laughed and replied, “Yes, just to talk. If that’s what you want, I’ll behave myself. But that way, we at least have the option if we’re interested in something else.”
“As if you wouldn’t fuck me in the bathroom here right now if I said yes,” Honor stated, surprising herself with her own words.
“I would take you under this table if I thought we could get away with it; suck you nice and hard until you came in my mouth.”
“Silver…” Honor looked around, noticing the waitress was approaching with their food.
“Will you get yourself off when you get home?”
“That’s none of your business.”
“I will. I’m going to fuck myself with a dildo and a vibrator, thinking of your pussy in my mouth.”