Page 53 of Voyeur
“Lame, huh? I doubt it. Just do it, Honor.”
Honor reached for Silver with her free hand and ran it through her locks, ending at Silver’s neck and holding on to it for a second before sliding her hand down and away. Silver shivered. She actually shivered, and Honor watched as she shook her head.
“You can do that anytime. Not lame at all.”
“Did it turn you on?”
“What? No,” Silver replied with a little laugh. “It just felt really nice.”
“Hey, boss. Can I borrow you for a second?”
Honor turned to see the woman from outside standing behind her.
“What’s up? I was just about to head home.”
“Security wants to know if you want the guy outside arrested or let him go.”
“What guy?” Honor asked.
“He was trying to get one of the performers to go home with him and followed her to her car. Security was there to escort, like always, but the guy was relentless.”
“Oh, shit,” Silver muttered and then looked at Honor. “Can you give me, like, five minutes? Maybe ten? Then, we can get out of here.”
“Sure,” Honor replied.
Before walking away, Silver leaned in and quickly pecked Honor on the lips. After pulling back, though, Silver’s eyes were wide as if she couldn’t believe she’d just done that.
“You can wait in my office. I’ll be right back.” She handed Honor a keyring. “The blue one.”
“Okay,” Honor said, letting go of Silver’s hand.
Silver headed outside, and Honor went to her office, unlocking the door with the key Silver had just provided. Before sitting down on the futon she’d always remember, Honor closed the door behind her but didn’t lock it so that Silver could get inside. Then, she took a deep breath. She had no idea what she was doing here. She wanted to meet a nice woman and settle down. Silver wanted to perform in art shows, and to her, that meant having sex with women in front of people. Honor wanted to have someone to bring home to her parents that they might actually think would be good for her. Silver, on the other hand, probably never wanted to have just one woman to wake up next to.
“God, what is wrong with me?” Honor asked herself and stood up.
Silver had gone down on her less than an hour ago, and Honor already wanted her again. She’d never told someone what she’d wanted in bed before, but tonight, she’d commanded Silver to shut up, and Silver had. The power dynamic had shifted for only a minute, but it had been delicious. And while Honor loved it the other way around, too, even more than she’d liked telling Silver what to do, she wanted Silver to order her around.
“Yes, something is clearly wrong with me,” she stated right before the door opened, and Silver walked through it, closing it behind her.
“Hey, sorry about that. We had to call the cops. The guy was creepy, so we made sure we got his info so he wouldn’t be able to come back. It was a whole thing. The downside of doing a show like this is that it brings out people like that. They make us all look bad.”
“Silver, I–” Honor started but stopped.
“What?” Silver asked.
Honor saw the look of concern in Silver’s eyes, and it wasn’t just about the fact that if Honor left, Silver wouldn’t be getting laid tonight or that she’d have to find someone else. There was something else, and Honor knew she felt it, too.
“Let’s get out of here,” Honor said.
“Tell me what you want. It’s yours,” Silver told her the moment they were inside her apartment and the door was closed behind them.
“I want you to tell me,” Honor replied.