Page 77 of Voyeur
“Barely. My sister basically guessed. She listened to me complain about the guys I was with over the years and saw me looking at women, so she put it together. I confirmed it, and she helped give me confidence to tell my parents, but it’s not like I did anything about it until I met you.”
“And now, you’re going on dates.”
Honor smiled down at her and asked, “Jealous?”
“I don’t want to be,” Silver replied.
“But you are?”
“Yes,” she replied. “I want to go back to what it was like before you.”
“Oh,” Honor said, deflating at that comment.
“It was easier, and you know how much I like easy,” Silver said with a smirk as she sat up and kissed Honor between her breasts. “But I don’t want to go back to that at the same time.” She grasped Honor’s back and held her to her mouth as she continued to kiss between Honor’s breasts. “I never knew if I’d like this or not.”
“What part?”
“Honor, I’ve dated women. I’ve had a couple of relationships, if you could call them that, but that’s it.”
“What happened?” Honor asked as she ran her hands through Silver’s hair and tilted her head back so their eyes would meet.
“Which time?”
“All of them.”
“Well, the girl in high school – you know about her already. There were two in college. The first one thought I wanted too much sex, and after a month or so, she broke up with me.”
“How much is too much?”
“I don’t know. A few times a week, I guess. I should mention that we were roommates. We got assigned randomly and both happened to be into women. A couple months into the school year, we made out when we were drunk, and the next day, we fucked for the first time. She asked me to go on a real date, and we did. I thought that dating meant sex. She thought that it meant most nights we’d cuddle together in a twin bed while watching some straight rom-com. She wanted it maybe once every other week but expected me to sleep in the same bed with her every night because we happened to live in the same room. That didn’t last, and after we broke up, I kind of went a little wild.”
“What’s wild for you, exactly?” Honor chuckled.
“I brought girls back to the room when I knew she was there, and we’d have sex with my ex on the bottom bunk sometimes. Not, like, every night or anything, but sometimes. My ex brought a boy home, and she’d do the same. It was like revenge sex or something; I don’t know. I was mad at her for not wanting to put out but wanting everything else in the relationship. She was mad that I was hooking up with other girls in the dorm.”
“What happened at the end of the year?”
“Nothing; we went our separate ways. I met another girl my junior year. I tried, Honor. She wanted to wait for sex, and I tried. We waited for a full month. I tried to feel her up one morning, and she pushed me away. Then, I heard her getting herself off in the shower. I mean, what the fuck?”
“Babe, was she not ready?” Honor ran a hand down Silver’s arm and took Silver’s hand in her own.
“Maybe not, which was fine for a while. I told her that I was ready. She needed more time. Another month went by, and I tried to be a good person, but she said she still wasn’t ready.”
“What did you do?”
“I broke up with her. I worried that she’d never come out because she wasn’t out, and our relationship was mostly in her apartment or my own. She came out a year later with a girl on her arm, and I was fine with that.”
Honor moved Silver’s hand to her own breast and encouraged her to squeeze.
“Then, what happened?”
“Then, I met someone when I moved back here. It was just sex, at first. Hot sex, but just sex.” Silver squeezed Honor’s breast. “She said she wanted us to date, and I said yeah because I thought she was cool. I liked her. Our sex was good, and hanging out with her was fun.”
Honor moved her hips against Silver’s body and said, “Go on.”
Silver looked down at those hips and asked, “Do you want to hear about how we were good until I told her I wanted to have sex with her and another girl, and then she broke up with me? Or do you want to hear about the hot sex we had before that?”
“She broke up with you for asking for a threesome?”