Page 82 of Voyeur
“When the new season starts up, I’ll go, too, and applaud just for you,” she said.
“Thank you,” Brandi replied, seemingly a little surprised.
“We have a box, but maybe I can sit with Devin and Silver instead.”
“You have a box?” Brandi asked. “How rich are you?”
“Uh, babe, filter,” Devin said.
“I’m not rich. My parents are,” Honor answered. “I have this trust fund thing that I don’t have access to. It’s not, like, millions of dollars or anything. It’s just enough money to pay for a house and maybe a nice car or to start a college fund for the kids I don’t want. My parents are wealthy because they worked for it, not because they inherited it. They don’t believe in inherited wealth, so my sister and I get a little head start, but not enough to never work.”
“Still, that’s nice,” Devin suggested.
“I only get it when I get married, and since I came out, we haven’t exactly talked about what that means for the money, but I don’t care. I like my job. I have a decent apartment. I’ve never needed money to be happy.”
“Well, that’s good because Silver has some, but not a lot, and is basically a starving artist sometimes, so she’s not going to get rich anytime soon.”
“Brandi!” Silver said loudly.
“What? Just putting it out there.” Brandi pointed back and forth between the two of them. “This is good. You two look good together.”
Silver closed her eyes, waiting for Honor to say that they weren’t together. Even though Brandi hadn’t meant it that way, Silver was certain Honor would clarify that they were simply enjoying breakfast this morning after a night of sex, nothing more.
“Thank you,” Honor replied instead, surprising Silver.
Devin met Silver’s eye again as she lifted her coffee mug to her lips with a smirk, and Silver gave Devin a soft smile back before she leaned over and kissed Honor on the top of her head, which wasn’t something she could ever remember herself doing to anyone. Brandi caught the action and smiled wide at her, as if she understood, too, before she burrowed farther into her girlfriend. Honor seemed to want to do the same, so her arm around Silver’s middle tightened. This was nice. Silver liked this. Breakfast with her two best friends in the world and the woman she was maybe, possibly dating was something she’d never had before, and it was something she could definitely get used to.
“So, I should leave you to get to work,” Honor said.
“You don’t have to,” Silver replied. “You can stay and just hang out. You’ve never seen it come together, and this is the last night.” She leaned back against her desk and pulled Honor into herself, spreading her legs so Honor could be as close as possible.
“You’re not sick of me yet?” Honor teased as she wrapped her arms around Silver’s neck.
“No,” Silver answered honestly. “And thank you for coming to breakfast. It means a lot. I know Brandi can be intense to new people, but she means well.”
“She’s protective of you. I like that about her.” Honor shrugged a shoulder.
“Yeah?” Silver wrapped her arms around Honor’s back and held them there.
“Someone’s got to protect you.” Honor winked at her.
“Are you staying?”
“Are you sure it’s okay, Silver?”
“Let me ask it this way, okay? Do you want to leave right now? Do you need to get home to do something else? Do you need to get back to your date about that second one she wanted to take you on?”
“No, no, and no,” Honor answered all of the questions. “Anything else?”
Honor laughed and said, “I… want to stay.”
“Then, stay.”
“But I don’t want to get in the way.”