Page 97 of Voyeur
“Yeah, she’ll know me.”
He nodded and turned on his heels. Then, he went into what looked like an office and came back out a second later. Not long after that, Honor appeared in the doorway with wide eyes. Silver wiggled her eyebrows. Honor hurried out of her office and made her way toward her.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“I wanted to talk to you about something. I was hoping you’d have a minute.”
“I have a few until my next meeting,” Honor told her. “My office?”
“Sure,” Silver replied.
“Uh… Honor? Do you need me to take a look at your printer for you?”
“No, Alec. Thanks,” Honor said to the guy who had greeted Silver.
“So, that’s Alec?” Silver asked once the door was closed.
“Yeah, that’s him.”
“If I were into guys, I’d say he’s cute,” Silver noted.
“Silver, what are you doing here?” Honor asked, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning back against her desk.
“I wanted to talk to you in person about something since it’s the first time it’s come up. It’s a little time-sensitive.”
“What?” Then, Honor seemed to realize something. “Oh. You’re…”
“I’m supposed to meet Stephanie in an hour.” Silver looked down.
“Oh.” Honor’s eyes followed down as well.
“She wanted me to pack.”
“I see,” Honor said.
“Since this is the first time I’m going to be with someone else since you and I started dating, I wanted to tell you in person instead of sending a text or just calling. I can pretend to be a donor or something, if you don’t want people knowing why I’m really here.”
“There’s a bulge in your jeans, Silver,” Honor said, unable to take her eyes off it.
“It’s not the one I’ve used on you. That one is at home. I have it ready to go for you whenever you want it again, though, babe.” Silver sat down in one of the guest chairs in front of Honor. “Are we okay?”
“Because you’re about to sleep with someone else?”
“You know her from the show, yeah.” Silver reached for Honor’s hand and took it with her own. “Trust me when I tell you that I have zero feelings for Stephanie. She has zero feelings for me. It’s just sex.”
“Okay,” Honor said. “And you’ll be doing… everything with her?”
“No.” Silver shook her head and put a hand on Honor’s hip, pulling her in closer. “I want to be with you tonight.”
“You could use protection.”
“I’ll have a condom on this,” Silver told her. “But I’m not going to go down on her or let her go down on me. I’m just going to fuck her.”
“What about you?”