Page 99 of Voyeur
“Yeah, I can feel it,” Stephanie said. “Do you want me to suck you off after I come? Make you feel good?”
“No, just come.” Silver lifted her hips up.
“I want you to fuck me.”
“We’re in a car. We can, but it–”
“Let me come like this first,” Steph interjected.
Silver watched her move up and down, and she waited until Steph was close. Then, she bit down a little on her nipple, and Steph came on top of her.
“God, yes. I needed that.” Stephanie rolled slowly, coming down until she opened her eyes and stared into Silver’s.
“This is an SUV.”
“Yes,” Silver said.
“Bucket seats, baby,” Stephanie told her. “Lower this one. We basically have a bed.”
She climbed off of Silver, and not long after that, the bucket middle seats were lowered, and Silver was on top of Stephanie, driving deep inside her. Stephanie’s legs were spread wide, her feet scraping the roof of the car as Silver fucked her hard.
“Like that?” she asked.
“Yes! Yes!”
Silver ran her hands over Stephanie’s breasts, continuing to thrust, and as she held on to them, she closed her eyes for a second, but she didn’t picture Stephanie there. In her mind, it was Honor. She was fucking her girlfriend.
“Oh, fuck,” Silver said and pulled out.
“What the fuck, Silver? I was coming.”
“Shit. Sorry,” Silver told her and pushed back inside. “Fell out,” she lied.
She continued to fuck Stephanie and tried to keep her own body in check. She’d nearly come just picturing Honor, but she wanted to save her orgasm for the real thing.
It was eight-thirty, and Silver stood outside Honor’s apartment, running her hands over her bulge. She’d applied that lube she’d bought, which was supposed to make the orgasms crazy intense, and it needed to sit for at least ten minutes. It had been thirty since she’d applied it, though, and put it in the back pocket of her jeans in case Honor wanted to use it, too. Her clit was harder than it had ever been. Her whole body was tingling and on fire at the same time. She pressed her hand to the wall by the door and stroked her fake appendage, pretending as if doing that would make her hard for real. She unzipped her jeans and slipped her hand inside, feeling the wetness on her thighs because she’d worn a harness and no underwear.
“Fuck,” she whispered and pulled out the dildo.
She looked up and down the hall and, seeing no one there, she looked down and stroked it slowly, wishing she could feel it for real. Pressing the base to her already tingling clit, though, did make it feel pretty close. She wanted Honor’s mouth to be wrapped around it when she came for the first time. She’d been so patient all day. Fucking Steph had gotten her turned on, but she hadn’t wanted Steph to make her come, even though Stephanie had offered more than three times and tried to slide her hand inside Silver’s jeans once they’d gotten dressed. Silver wanted Honor’s mouth, her touch, and she wanted it now. She slipped the toy back inside and zipped her jeans, rubbing the bulge one last time before knocking on the door.
“I’ve got it!”
The voice that came from inside didn’t sound like Honor’s, and it took only a second for Silver to put it together before the door opened, and a woman who looked a little like her girlfriend stood there.
“Temperance, don’t!”
Silver stood there, probably looking like she was desperate to be fucked or something, and Honor’s eyes went wide.
“Um… Hi,” Temperance said. “Can we help you?”
“Silver, hey,” Honor said, saving Silver and walking over to Temperance. “This is Silver, my friend from work.”
“Oh,” Temperance uttered, looking at Silver a little differently now. “Did you two have plans?”
“Yes, we’re…”