Page 64 of Made in Malice
“Why would I need to invite you?” I see Nox drop onto the bed out of the corner of my eye, then let my gaze slide over to Lucian again. “We’re a package deal,” Nox finishes, and Lucian’s shoulders fall a little in what I’d guess is relief.
I have the opposite reaction. Nox never mentioned asking his brother to come along.
I debate just sneaking out and heading to the beach myself like I planned, but being alone is less appealing than it was before Nox invited himself to come with me.
“What beach are we going to?” Lucian walks across the room to a dresser, drops the towel that was around his waist, and reveals his bare ass—well as bare as it can be covered in even more tattoos. I twist away from the door and plant my back against the wall so I can’t see into the room anymore. Is it possible he didn’t know I was standing there, or does he just not care? I’m betting it’s the latter.
I miss Nox’s response, if there was one, then try to look casual when I hear their approaching footsteps.
“Hiding, lamb?” Lucian teases when he sees me, and I decide he got naked to shock me, and it worked.
“Nope.” I even shake my head, which makes his lips curl up.
“Come on.” Nox ignores his brother and directs me down the hall to the next door. The rooms are mirrored, just like the occupants. If the wall weren’t between their headboards, they would be back-to-back. I’m actually a little surprised they don’t share a room, but in a house this big, that probably doesn’t make much sense.
Since I was actually invited into the room by Nox, I take a longer look around. The floor is dark wood, but almost everything else is black or a shade thereof. The curtains are open, unlike in Lucian’s room, allowing the afternoon sunlight to stream in and highlight all the carved details of the four-poster bed and furniture.
“Have a seat. I’ll be out in a minute,” Nox says while grabbing something out of his dresser. At least he’s not going to strip in front of me. I think I’m relieved.
The bed is the only place to sit, and I don’t feel comfortable getting cozy in his sheets, so I just lean against the footboard, waiting for Nox and trying to ignore the fact that Lucian is in the same room.
“How was school?”
I look over at him, a little surprised by the mundane question. “Fine,” I admit slowly.
“Nobody messed with you?”
“No, it was rather remarkable actually.”
“You’re welcome,” he says, breezing past me a little too close, so I feel his whispered words stir my hair before he sprawls on the bed.
“Why would I thank you?”
“Because I told them to leave you alone.” He lifts his arm and places it behind his head, stretching out and revealing a sliver of tattooed skin beneath his navel. I have to work not to look at his body. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing I find him attractive.
“Ah, King Pretty Boy has spoken and decreed that only he is allowed to harass me.”
“Do you know what would happen to anyone else who addressed me as such?” His light eyes manage to look dark, even in the bright room.
“As king, I thought you would like it.” I shrug, purposely ignoring the fact that I call him pretty boy. He hasn’t stopped calling me all sorts of names, and I think lamb has stuck. At least it’s not as bad as Charity. I hated that more than nightingale.
“Know what I’ll really like? When I make you say my name while you’re begging me to—”
“Ready?” Nox has perfect timing, interrupting his brother’s remark.
“All set,” I say, sounding way too chipper because I don’t want Lucian to finish. I can already feel heat crawling up my neck with discomfort, which is made even worse by the fact that my thoughts about what he might have said were more along the lines of obscene flirting than an insult or a threat, but I have no experience in that department, and I feel like he’ll somehow know that just by looking at me.
I’m the first one out the door and down the stairs, but before I can head for the door, Nox calls, “This way, Nova,” causing me to look over my shoulder and see both of them coming downstairs in tandem. Nox is leading. He’s wearing a pair of green shorts that hit mid-thigh and are slung low on his hips, and a black shirt I didn’t get a chance to see when I escaped the room.
When they reach the bottom, Nox heads in the opposite direction, waving his hand for me to follow.
“Where are we going?” I shuffle forward a few steps but give Lucian ample time to get ahead of me.
“To the beach, but we need provisions.”
I trail behind them through the house, making quick examinations of the rooms we pass as I do. There’s so much more black, it’s hard to believe the entire place isn’t drab or flat. It’s quite like the occupants—beautiful and hard to ignore.