Page 77 of Made in Malice
“Then you don’t want to know about the creed?” I feign indifference.
“That’s different,” she argues.
“No, it’s not. We work together or not at all, and it’s already too late for that.”
“Ugh, can’t you talk some sense into him?” she asks Nox.
“He’s talking sense to me, Nova. You need help, and despite Lucian’s gruff delivery, we want to help you. Let us.” He seems so reasonable, I grin but drop it before she can look back at me.
“I should have known you two would work against me.”
“We’re a team.” Nox shrugs.
“And now you’re a part of it,” I remind her.
“Until you decide I’m not useful anymore,” she grumbles dejectedly.
“Don’t fret, lamb. I’ll make a list to enumerate how many ways I want to use you.”
“You’re such a pig,” I tell Lucian with what I hope sounds like disgust. Frankly, his innuendos make me uncomfortable, but I don’t think it’s for the right reasons. I should want to punch him in the face, and I do, but there’s a part of me that’s curious about the things he says.
“You’re the one with your mind in the gutter. I was talking about getting revenge on your family for killing mine,” he replies, which embarrasses me even more.
I don’t have a comeback that wouldn’t make me look even more foolish, so for once, I keep my mouth closed.
“I’m more than happy to entertain those ideas. Want to crash in my room?” Nox offers, feigning sweetness.
“No, I have my own bed, thank you.”
“You’re really going to go back there and live with them?” Lucian crosses his arms over his chest and peers down at me.
“As opposed to…” I leave the question hanging.
“You can stay here with us. You don’t even have to sleep in my room, but the offer stands,” Nox proposes.
“That is such a bad idea all around. I probably wouldn’t live through the night, not to mention I think the Umbras would get suspicious when I didn’t come home.”
“You really think they care about you?” Lucian asks, sounding like he can’t decide if he wants to feel sorry for me or thinks I’m stupid.
I almost admit that, at one point, I’d hoped for that, but I’m not as dumb as he thinks I am or willing to confess the vulnerability to him, so instead I’m flippant. “Don’t worry, I’m well aware that I’m nothing but a tool to you people. I’m more concerned that they would find out you’re stalking me, and I wouldn’t be able to get the information I need. You did say we’re not supposed to team up or whatever, right?” I turn toward Nox for confirmation.
“There are rules against alliances.”
“Fuck the rules.” Lucian dismisses his brother’s response. I’m not surprised, though, since he said something similar the first time I met him.
“Can I see these rules? Why do they even have them?”
“To keep everyone in line,” Lucian gripes, only answering half my question.
“To make sure one or two families didn’t completely take over.” Nox’s reply seems more reasonable, but it doesn’t tell me enough.
“Take over what, the school?”
“The island, the school, abuse our power on the mainland, all of it. Each family has one vote to cast for all decisions, but in the event of a tie, the current leader’s vote is worth two, meaning they can break a stalemate.”
“What are you voting on? Cafeteria choices? The mascot?”