Page 85 of Made in Malice
“That wasn’t the deal.”
“How do I know you’ll follow through?”
His lips part in a grin, showing me sharp white teeth. “I always follow through.”
“I’ll tell you if he doesn’t,” Nox offers.
“You know?”
“He’s my twin,” Nox says as if that should tell me everything.
“Fine,” I agree, hoping he can’t tell there wasn’t much reluctance on my part.
“Come here.” He notches his head back a little.
I shake my head. “You said you would kiss me, not the other way around.” I’m not going to lie, it feels good to tell him no. I like getting a rise out of him.
Lucian licks his teeth behind his lips, and my stomach drops into my lap.
Please don’t let me be a bumbling idiot if he really does this.
I lean forward to grab my water, and the moment I take my eyes off him, he strikes, grabbing hold of the back of my neck and bringing my face right up to his. Our eyes lock, and my chest rises and falls sharply. I brace for him to shove me away and tell me what a whore and a loser I am for falling for his joke because he would never want to kiss me, but it doesn’t happen. His light blue eyes dip down to my lips before he shifts his head and brushes his mouth softly over mine.
I’m so surprised by the gentle contact that I actually let out a little sigh that I would never admit to if grilled, but thoughts of softness evaporate when he roughly nips my lip then pulls me even closer so he can slip his tongue into my mouth. It’s not a kiss, it’s far too demanding for that. I’m breathless within seconds as butterflies erupt in my stomach.
He tastes sweet, like the lemonade he’s been drinking, with a bitter bite I’m not sure I won’t crave later. When he curls the tip of his tongue around mine, my body reacts, arching into him without any conscious thought to do so. The fact that he can make me respond to him, and that I want to curl into his lap and purr like a content kitten, is alarming, yet not enough to have me pulling away.
His hand on the back of my neck curls into my hair, and he grasps my locks in his fist, tugging my head back and opening my mouth more for his invasion. Later, I’ll wonder how he knows my body better than I do, but right now, I’m just trying to keep from being swallowed by his presence.
Lucian bites my lip again, and this time, it stings a little, but I still don’t want him to stop. He makes a deep sound that rumbles up from his chest and hums past my lips. My insides ignite with knowledge. He’s just as affected as I am, and that makes my clit tingle.
I pull back, breathing way too hard, but he doesn’t release my hair, so I’m trapped staring into his eyes. Neither of us speak, but as the moments pass, I begin to brace myself for his inevitable laughter, but it doesn’t come. Instead, his free hand comes up, and he brushes his thumb over my bottom lip.
“Tell me,” I say softly, trying to keep some sort of wall between us.
He tilts his head so his mouth is close to my ear. My eyes slip closed when his warm breath teases me. “I call you lamb because no matter how hard you try to hide it, I can see just how sweet and innocent you are.” His tongue flicks my lobe, and I inhale sharply as he sinks his teeth into the flesh.
Without warning, he moves lower, biting and sucking. I know he’s leaving a bruise, but I still don’t stop him.
After just a few seconds, he releases my hair, and I pull away from him too slowly. I’m embarrassed to look up because I know my face is flushed and the truth of his words will be written all over my expression.
“Next time I kiss you, it won’t be on a bargain. It will be because you asked me for it,” Lucian supplies, relaxing back into the couch as if nothing happened. I, on the other hand, could use a trip to the bathroom to freshen up or at least gather my wits.
“I’ll take a trade, a bargain, hell, anything I have that you want. I’m in,” Nox adds, making Lucian chuckle.
It lightens the mood just enough that I’m able to look up from my lap and pretend I know what’s happening in the new movie that started.
“Your car will be here in the morning for you to go get what you need, then I expect you back.”
“I have school. I’m not missing it.”
Lucian turns his attention back to me, and I swear there’s something different about him, but I can’t put my finger on it. “I don’t trust them or anyone in that house.”
“They have answers, and I’ve already proven I’m willing to do what it takes to get them.”
He bares his teeth, but it’s definitely not a smile. “We will get the answers together.”
“You still haven’t explained what I’m supposed to tell them about you suddenly not wanting to kill me anymore.”