Page 1 of Created in Chaos
I shove Lucian to get his ass moving, so we can make it out to the ambulance before they leave with Nova.
“This is your fault. I let her come, but you put the nail in her coffin,” Rory snarls.
“Fuck you.” Lucian lunges toward him, reaching for the current president. If he gets his hands on him, he’ll probably kill him and we’ll lose everything in the process, including Nova.
“We’re going to the hospital. She needs us,” I grit out through my teeth, trying to hold him back and talk some sense into him at the same time.
He goes rigid, but it’s a different kind of tension filling him now. He allows me to pull him out of the building, just as the doors to the ambulance close.
“Are you taking her to Trinity?” I question the driver.
“No, the trauma unit at Saint Joe’s is already on standby.” He doesn’t waste another minute before hustling around to climb into the vehicle.
Lucian and I both jog over to our car parked at the curb. We speed after the ambulance. The lights are flashing, but it still feels like we’re going too slow. “One of us should have rode with her,” he says, speaking for the first time since screaming at Rory. “Call Amboni. Make sure he’s in touch with the hospital so we’ll know what’s going on.”
At least he seems to be thinking clearly now. I do as he asks, but I have to leave a message when the doctor doesn’t answer.
“What the fuck do you think happened?” I voice my thoughts out loud, not really expecting an answer, since he knows as much as I do.
“I don’t know, but we’ll find out.” He takes his eyes off the ambulance for the first time to meet my gaze. “Then we’ll kill whoever hurt her.”
I wouldn’t need to see him to know he’s deadly serious, but the ice in his eyes is more proof of his determination.
“They said she was unresponsive. What if she doesn’t make it?” I can feel myself spiraling. I don’t think I can handle losing someone else, especially when we haven’t even gotten to know her yet and assumed that we would have all the time in the world for that.
“She’s fine. I won’t accept any other outcome.” I’m not going to be the one to tell him it doesn’t work like that. I have a feeling he would lose his shit, especially after the garbage Rory said about it being our fault.
The doctor calls me back as we’re pulling up to the hospital, and I’m tempted to ignore the call, but no one here will give us information, so I can’t. I pick up and hurriedly tell him where we are and what we need from him while I’m climbing out of the car.
“I don’t work out of St. Joe’s,” he says, but I shut that shit down.
“I don’t give a fuck. Find a way to get me what I need.” I hang up.
Lucian is standing near the rear doors of the ambulance as the EMTs and nurses from the hospital push Nova through a set of automatic doors.
“You can’t park here. This is for emergency vehicles only,” a security guard says from the sidewalk.
“Then move it.” Lucian doesn’t even spare the man a glance as he follows the stretcher.
“I’m not—” The guy begins to argue, but when he sees Lucian is serious about leaving the car, he tries to step in his way to block the entrance. Lucian looks down at the man. His face is icy cold, but that’s nothing compared to his posture.
Not one word is spoken, but the guy steps to the side, allowing my brother into the building. Someone else yells once he’s inside, but the sound cuts off when the doors close behind him.
I pull a bill from my pocket and hand it to the security guard. “You can move it or call a valet.” He examines the bills when I remove my hand from slapping the cash in his palm, but I don’t stick around to see what he’s going to do. He can have it towed for all I care.
Lucian is in a stare off with a bulldog of a nurse, who looks like she will have to be forcibly moved, and I’m surprised he hasn’t done it yet. “You’ll get an update when they have one to give you. Now go sit down before I have you removed from the hospital.”
Lucian snarls down at the woman. “You could try, or you could keep your job and go get your fucking boss.”
Her eyes narrow even more as her lips pinch in a pissed off scowl. “Listen, young man—”
“Don’t do that,” I interrupt her, and she drops her bottom jaw as she lets out a heavy sigh before even looking at me. “I promise you will regret it.”
She doesn’t gawk at us standing side by side like some people do, but she does plant her hands on her hips and tries to look down on us, even though we have several inches on her.
“I’ve been here twenty-three years and counting. You think you can get me fired? Then by all means…” She smirks condescendingly.