Page 21 of Created in Chaos
“You are such a bastard,” she grates out, looking like she might try to kill me or cry. I’d much prefer the former. There’s real emotion behind the insult, not her usual banter, and I realize it’s one of the very few times she’s cursed.
I put my weight back on her body, preventing her from escaping me. “I don’t know why you’re pissed right now, but you already knew I was a bastard.”
Her eyes, seemingly darker now, narrow on me. “Well, shit,” she mocks, and realization dawns—my comment bothered her.
“Would you have preferred I said some flowery bullshit?”
“No,” she snaps.
“Good, because I wouldn’t. Words rarely mean shit anyway.” I slide one hand down her body, watching her chest heave as she takes in a shallow breath before I palm her cunt, feeling that little patch of hair brush against my fingers and the heat of her body begging me to slip a finger inside her. “I was a little surprised by this.” I tug gently at the little tuft of hair, and she reaches out and wallops my arm in return.
“I’m not an infant, and I’m not shaving it off. If you don’t like it, then too darn bad. You don’t need to look at it or touch it.”
“Did I say I didn’t like it?” I cup her pussy again, loving the way she’s railing against me, even while her body is practically imploring me to touch her.
“You didn’t need to say it,” she gripes, proving she misread my comment, or at least the sentiment behind it.
“Apparently, you need me to say something,” I goad. She wants my approval, even if she can’t admit it to herself.
“The only thing I need you to do, pretty boy, is shut up.”
I grin as I lower myself down her body, taking little nips of her skin as I do. There are a few spots where her skin is a little tougher from scarring, but that just proves she’s a survivor. When my head is nearly between her legs, she sucks in a breath as if she’s only now realizing my destination. As her lips begin to form a word, I grip the tops of her thighs tightly and roll onto my back, taking her right along with me so my face is buried in her slit with her over me.
She makes a startled sound and tries to lift up onto her knees, but there’s no way I’m releasing her. She smells dark and sweet, and I know she’s going to taste just the same. She exhales roughly when I take my first lap of her, but I want more. I want her writhing over me, fisting my hair, and moaning my name.
I lift my head and slip my tongue inside her. “Lucian.” My name is a warning plea on her lips. I hum my response, and she allows her head to fall back as a soft sound of surrender escapes her mouth. In that moment, I know as much as I want to own her, she already owns me. Never in my life would I give anyone this power over me. I never wanted anyone badly enough until her. I fucked because I could, because it was easy, and there were never any expectations, but this is something else completely.
I reach up for her hand and guide her fingers to my hair, and then she takes over, gripping just like I imagined. My balls are so tight, I have to divert my thoughts from her pussy and the sounds she’s making or risk coming in my pants. Not yet, not yet, is on repeat in my head, but when she says, “Lucian, I’m going to come,” my hips actually jerk in response.
I roll us so she’s flat on her back and I’m between her thighs, then I suck her clit into my mouth while I grind against the mattress. Her back snaps off the bed, and she pushes my face deeper into her cunt as she moans even louder for me.
When her legs start twitching, I still don’t stop licking and sucking. It takes her pulling me back with a fistful of hair for me to come up. Our eyes lock, and there’s awe in her gaze. I don’t have to worry about recovery time from humping the bed, I’m getting hard again just from the way she’s looking at me.
The room smells like sex, and my brother’s eyes are glazed over as if he just smoked a blunt. It’s not something he does often, because he’s a control freak, but it’s one of the few times when he can actually relax. It looks like he found another way to unwind.
Nova is panting out shallow little breaths with her eyes locked on Lucian. “How can your mouth do that?” She tries to sound flippant, but the reverence in her tone is just as clear.
He leans down and wipes his lips along the inside of her thigh, leaving a trail of wetness in his wake. “Only for my lamb,” he tells her, skimming his lips up her body until he’s poised over her face.
She lets out an exaggerated puff, as if she doesn’t believe him, but I know for a fact that Lucian’s not into eating pussy. He’s never cared enough about the women he’s been with to give a fuck about their pleasure when he’s not getting anything out of it, but that’s not the case with Nova. I’m pretty sure he busted in his pants while his face was buried between her legs. That, or he came damn close.
My brother ignores her remark, which surprises me because I’m used to him arguing with her all the time, and instead, he leans down and kisses her slowly. It’s a little fucking strange to see how different he is with her, but it’s such a relief. I thought the only thing that would ever consume Lucian was revenge. If I’d known six months ago that he was actually capable of caring for someone, I might not even be here, but I couldn’t leave him alone, not even if I know he’ll hate me if he ever realizes who’s truly to blame for our parents’ deaths.
The dark thoughts I’ve been keeping at bay threaten to pull me back under and remind me that I was the one who encouraged Dad to take Mom with him to the meeting because I knew we were having a party. If it weren’t for me, she would still be alive. I don’t deserve to be here.
Lucian turns his head away from Nova, breaking the kiss, and I realize I’ve gotten sloppy with my emotions, so I plaster a smirk on my face and crawl on the bed. “Are you finally ready to share?” The deflection is weak but effective, and my twin makes a little room for me. I seal my mouth to Nova’s, smelling her pussy more than I can taste it on her tongue, but it’s a welcome distraction.
She bucks under me, and I slit my eyes open to see Lucian spreading her legs with his hands. “I think it’s time for your sacrifice, lamb.”
Nova abruptly ends our kiss and lifts her head up to try to see around me. “My sacrifice? You’re joking, right?” She doesn’t get the reaction or response she’s looking for from Lucian fast enough, so she looks up at me. “Tell me he’s joking. I’m not going to be a part of some weird ritual,” she pleads softly.
I can’t help but smile at the apprehension in her gaze. At some point, she’s going to realize she’s probably the safest person in the room when Lucian is around. He may have been cavalier with her before she was injured, but after seeing what he was like when she was in the hospital and wouldn’t wake up, I have no doubt that he will do anything in his power to make sure she doesn’t get hurt again, even by him.
“Why are you smiling? You know what he’s going to do, don’t you?” She frowns with a real look of unease.
Before I can tell her that he won’t hurt her, my twin speaks up, obliterating the peace I was going to instill. “Might as well give it up now, lamb. There’s no point holding onto what’s mine.”