Page 50 of Created in Chaos
I don’t even know what to call the sound that erupts from my chest, but it’s from absolute shock and wonder.
Lucian isn’t quite as taken with disbelief, or he just hides it better than me. “I find it amusing that you think I would ever give anyone the chance to find out, lamb.”
“I saw you with her.” Nova loses a little of her cool, snapping at him.
“You saw what I wanted everyone to see, including her, but I love your possessiveness.”
“Why were you with her?” It’s Nova’s turn to move around Lucian, examining him for any weak spots.
“I needed her to do something for me, and she did.”
Nova slows until she’s completely still, and she looks poised to attack. “Did she get on her knees for you?”
“No, but you will soon.” He’s full of confidence.
“I’m up for a little dismemberment.” She tilts her head to the side, daring him.
“He needed someone to get into the security office so we could tap into their system,” I tell her when it’s clear he’s not in any rush to assuage her mistrust.
Nova’s eyes shift to take me in, but she continues to keep my brother in her sights. Smart, because I can feel his tension, even though he’s masking it. He’s ready to strike too. “Why her?”
“Because she’s easy, and I knew she could and would do what I asked.”
“If she could do it, so could countless others, so why her?” she prods.
“If you’re looking for an ulterior motive, you’re not going to find it. I didn’t choose her to piss you off or to make her happy. I used her because it was a simple solution to my problem.”
“And what problem was that? You wanted to get some?” Nova snarks.
Lucian steps forward, impeding her movement. His expression has darkened, making me think he’s no longer enjoying the banter as much. “Seeing you all pissed and jealous was cute at first, but I’m starting to think you actually believe that I touched her.”
“You let her touch you. You held her hand. That’s enough and makes you just as culpable.”
Lucian’s lips peel back from his teeth in a snarl, but he says nothing. I don’t know what he could say to save himself, because it’s true. Shit.
The short-lived relief I felt at finding Nox and Nova in the kitchen and seeing her possessive side ruptures when she points out a fact I didn’t even acknowledge—I did allow Grace to touch me. I even remember pulling her hand off my neck and hauling her down the hallway.
“It wasn’t like that,” I defend.
“It wasn’t? So it’s cool if I let some random rub all over my chest” —she emulates stroking herself— “and take him down the hall for some alone time?”
“If you want him dead, but don’t kid yourself, pet, that would happen the moment he laid a finger on you anyway.” I bend to get in her face, angry at just the thought.
“Don’t like that idea, do you, pretty boy?”
“I don’t know, it might be nice to wrap my fingers around someone’s throat right now and squeeze the life out of them.”
“Is that a threat?” Nova slits her eyes at me.
“Not to you, but make no mistake, lamb, I don’t make empty threats. Don’t test me.”
“But I’m supposed to just accept that you can do anything you want and touch anyone you want?”
“No.” I stand up straight and take in a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking about what she was doing or even you in the moment. I was thinking that I needed her to get the USB into the security system. It didn’t register how the way I went about it might bother you.”
She takes a step back, suspicion lining her brows as she assesses me. “Pardon, did you just apologize?”