Page 73 of Created in Chaos
“Vincent Kensington’s.”
I know that name. Vincent is one of the people Grace identified as being involved in what happened to me. “How many people were on the boat?” My throat feels tight.
“At least six, but I’m not sure.” Nox leans back in the chair as if he’s prepared for me to start screaming or freak out.
“That’s where Lucian went last night?” It’s not really a question, but I’m still asking for confirmation.
“Where is he now?”
“Meeting with Bridget.”
“Is he going to kill her too?” I snap flippantly.
“That wasn’t part of the plan,” he says, but it’s almost like he’s leaving the option on the table with the way he pitches his voice.
“Jesus.” I put my head in my hands. That’s at least eight people who are dead because of me, if you include Alden, because I have no doubt he will be dead as soon as Lucian can find him. Even worse, Lucian has their blood on his hands. “There’s no way he’ll get away with this.”
“I promise you he will,” Nox replies with complete conviction.
“You say that, but rich people go to jail all the time. And what about in two years, when he’s bored with me and moves on to his next fixation? He’ll hate me and himself for what he’s done.”
“Nova.” Nox says my name softly, as if I’m some naïve child. “He’s not going to get bored with you in two years. You’ll be lucky if he gets a little less obsessed in ten, but I wouldn’t count on it. Lucian doesn’t do anything by halves, not love or even killing. The only reason your grandparents are even still alive is because he decided it would hurt them more to lose everything they have, to watch their money and power slip away slowly and know there isn’t a damn thing they can do about it.”
“It’s not worth the risk it poses to you guys.”
“You will always be worth the risk.” Damn, why couldn’t this be about something simpler? Those words fill a missing piece inside me that I didn’t even know was absent. How can that sentiment still give me butterflies when I know what it cost others?
“I must be sick in the head.” I let out a wild laugh without any mirth.
“Why would you say that?”
“Because I want to believe you.”
“That’s not sick, Nova,” Nox argues, but should I really be trusting his judgment? We all must be insane. Maybe it’s this island, and it’s changed me. I don’t think I would have accepted any of this a few months ago. “We will do whatever it takes to protect you.”
I nod slowly and mimic the sentiment. “I will always do the same for you guys. Whatever it takes.”
Nova’s acceptance surprises me. I figured she would be pissed, or at least demand more of an explanation, but the core of her worry seemed to be focused on us and how she will deal with Lucian’s actions. Maybe she’s in shock.
“I think I’m going to go for a walk.” She grips the arms of the chair, watching me expectantly. She’s probably waiting to see if I’ll tell her she can’t, like Lucian might.
“Do you want me to come with you?” I ask, hoping she will say yes.
“No, I’ll stay on the grounds, and I have my phone. I just need a little time to think and clear my head, if that’s okay?” She’s still watching me. I know if I push her, she will accept me tagging along, but she just told me that’s not what she wants.
“Don’t go too far, and call if you need anything.” There’s a slight warning tone in my voice. I’m starting to sound like my brother.
“I will.” She sighs with relief before pushing up from the chair and leaning down to place a soft kiss on the corner of my mouth. “See you soon.”
I track her as she leaves the room, wondering why I feel like I should follow her anyway.
When my phone vibrates about an hour later, a wave of relief has me tossing the remote to the side. I’ve been going a little crazy sitting here, and nothing I’m doing is distracting me. Instead of the text being from Nova, though, it’s from Lucian.