Page 18 of Devoured By You
Not today, Satan.
“Wow! Would you look at that?” I craned my neck and shielded my eyes from the sun. “She’s huge.” I linked arms with Addison, a ball of excitement leaping around in my stomach. “I’ll get lost.”
“As long as we get lost in a bar, I’m good.” Addison squeezed me tighter. “We’re going to have the best time.”
We lined up for check-in. Booths surrounded the reception area, each one manned by a member of staff, the Kingcaid logo stitched into their black-and-gold uniforms. I’d never been on a cruise before, and what a way to pop my cherry, so to speak. Serenity was the largest cruise ship in the world and had more activities on board than any of her competitors. There wasn’t a chance we’d have time to get around to them all, not with the on-land excursions we’d already booked and paid for.
Plus, you have to find some time to look at that damned book.
I pushed the unwelcome thought to the back of my mind. Not today, Satan.
A handsome guy in his thirties beckoned to us. Addison nudged me and giggled. “We’re off to a great start.” Bouncing forward, hips swinging, she handed over her passport. “Are all the guys on board as gorgeous as you?” She fluttered her false eyelashes.
“Ignore her.” I elbowed her out of the way and gave him my passport, too.
He smiled in that friendly yet distant manner of someone who’d heard it all before. “Miss Rowe.” He looked at my passport and then at me, then swiped it through a scanner. “Welcome to Kingcaid Cruises. Is this your first time with us?”
“It’s my first time, period.”
“Yeah, she’s a cruising virgin,” Addison said.
She had a mischievous look in her eye, which, experience told me, meant she was about to say something outrageous. I stood on her foot before she made an inappropriate comment about sex.
“Ow. That hurt.”
“Consider it a warning.”
She wrinkled her nose and made a face. “I’d have thought sex on the plane with a stranger would have loosened you up, but it appears not.”
Somewhere behind me, Kelsey laughed, and the poor guy booking us in turned beet red. I did, too. I should have broken her bloody foot rather than just standing on it.
“You’re brave, considering we’re sharing a room, and I’m vindictive enough to shave off your eyebrows while you sleep.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Oh, I would. Now behave.”
I smiled at the mortified man on the other side of the podium. He handed me my passport along with a black wristband that also had the Kingcaid logo imprinted on it. He raced through the other three check-ins—I didn’t blame him—and sent us on our way, his expression awash with relief.
“You are so bad.”
Addison grinned. “It’s all part of the fun.” She narrowed her eyes at me. “You’re not really going to shave my eyebrows, are you?”
I tapped a finger against my lips. “Maybe just the one.”
Another member of staff escorted us to a VIP reception area where nibbles and drinks awaited us. Two Kingcaid Royalty suites had cost an absolute fortune, but if this was a taste of the service we could look forward to, it’d be worth every penny.
Contrary to popular rumor, I wasn’t rich. Far from it. Self-publishing was expensive by the time you added up editing, cover design, formatting, and marketing costs. Not to mention website hosting, graphics, email programs, and a myriad of other expenses. And even when I’d been picked up by a publisher and hit number one on the New York Times and Sunday Times bestseller lists, my publisher had taken a whacking great slice of that pie. But I’d promised myself that I had to try to celebrate the success I’d had, even if the idea of losing it kept me awake at night. To me, this cruise was the physical embodiment of celebrating success.
We barely had time to enjoy the hospitality before a crew member invited us to board. Excitement curled in my belly as we crossed the gangplank. A member of the entertainment staff greeted us, holding up his hand for a high five. Addison, in her inimitable style, wrapped him in a huge hug and kissed his cheek. Unlike the guy who’d checked us in, this one looked thrilled with the attention.
“See you later, sweetie.” She held her hand above her head and waved as she skipped on board.
“Bank on it,” he called after her.
“Jesus,” Raya muttered. “Five seconds and she’s scored.”