Page 23 of Devoured By You
Blay cleared his throat. “My apologies, ladies and gentlemen. I lost my train of thought for a second.” He palmed the back of his head and finally released me from the intensity of his gaze. I let a breath go and reached for Kelsey’s hand.
“As I was saying, I’d like to take a few moments of your time to welcome you on board Kingcaid Cruises’ brand-new ship. The team here is at your disposal. Our job is to ensure that you create memories to last a lifetime. Therefore, please, if there is anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable, reach out to me or any member of my crew.”
He jumped off the raised platform and cannonballed toward me. Gathering my wits, I sucked in a lungful of salty air and braced myself.
“Come with me,” he said, gripping my elbow.
He steered me away from the crowd, but not before Addison’s proclamation, “Oh, he’s gone all alpha on her. How swoony,” reached us both.
I peeked up at him. A muscle drummed in his cheek as if he was grinding his teeth. Maybe he was, and who could blame him? He wouldn’t have expected a woman he’d banged on an airplane to turn up on a cruise ship he owned, knowing there wasn’t anywhere to run to. Other than leaping overboard, which, to me, looked more appealing by the second. Swimming back to Miami wouldn’t take that long, right? How far could a cruise ship travel in ninety minutes? Five miles? Ten? I could make it. Probably.
We descended a flight of stairs and arrived in a corridor. He opened a door and motioned for me to enter.
I ran my gaze over the suite. Wealth oozed from every square inch. And here I was thinking my accommodations were top-notch. This… this was on another level. There was so much space that I could move in here and live happily for the rest of my life. Great view for writing, too. Although, I doubted even a killer view could save my current manuscript.
“I didn’t know—”
Blay spun me around. His lips crushed mine, his tongue attacking me with the ferocity of a wild animal. He tasted of expensive whiskey and the lingering smokiness of rich coffee, coupled with the smell of his cologne that made me want to do very bad things. Large hands gripped my bottom, fusing me to his massive erection. I dropped my handbag on the floor and held on to his shoulders for support.
A groan rolled through his chest, vibrating against mine. “Jesus, Tilly.” He kissed my jaw, my throat, my bare shoulder. “This wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“What wasn’t?” I gasped as he tugged down my dress, and my boobs spilled out.
“This. Us. You being here.”
He captured one of my nipples between his teeth. My stomach twisted. I should stop this, but I couldn’t. I was a slave to my body, a slave to him and everything he made me feel. Kissing Blay was like standing on the shore as a wave was sucked out to sea, and you knew when it came back in, it’d demolish you, yet you remained in place, ready to embrace your destruction.
He kissed me again, devouring me with the skill of a man proficient in seduction. The rest of my dress slipped off, gathering in a bunch around my feet and leaving me in a skimpy pair of knickers and kitten heels. I yanked off his tie, and he did the rest. Lifting me effortlessly, he carried me through to the bedroom.
I landed on the firm mattress, Blay caging me with his body. He rocked back on his heels and traced a fingertip down my throat, between my breasts, over my stomach. His gaze didn’t leave me for a second. I was on fire, my veins charred, my lungs filled with ash, the unexpectedness of the last five minutes leaving me breathless and impatient.
“I don’t do seconds, yet I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” He lowered his head and grazed his teeth over my nipples. Groaning, I writhed beneath him.
“Have you thought about me?”
I nodded.
“Good. Because I’m going to fuck you on this bed, on the couch, on the floor, on every surface in this suite. I’m going to burrow so far inside your body that it’ll take a crowbar to pry me out.”
A shot of blistering heat ignited between my legs. Filthy words spoken in his husky voice were my catnip. He planned to wreck me, and I’d let him, too.
He fingered the hem of my lace underwear. “Are these expensive?”
“Yes.” God, I sounded breathless and ridiculous. Like a novice porn star trying out OnlyFans for the first time.
Riiiiip. The material came apart in his hands.
“I’ll buy you a new pair. Ten pairs. A hundred.” Scooching down the bed, he sucked my clit between his teeth.
“Fuck,” I moaned, greedily lifting my hips and thrusting my vagina into his face.
“We had to rush on the plane. This time, we’ve got all night.”
His tongue surged inside me. I reached behind my head and gripped the headboard, using it for leverage.
“That’s it, Tilly. Ride my fucking face.”
I groaned, coiling and twisting my body, grinding against him as if I hadn’t had a mind-altering orgasm just two days ago.