Page 50 of Devoured By You
“Are you planning to wear that suit all day?” It must be at least ninety degrees outside.
“No, but I don’t like to wander about the ship in anything other than business attire. My passengers expect a certain look. Don’t worry, you’ll see my bony knees soon enough.”
“I’ve already seen them.”
His lascivious grin made my toes curl. “So you have.”
We swung by my suite first to pick up the beach bag I’d already packed for the catamaran trip. I opened it, peering inside.
“Do you have anywhere to swim, or should I leave the bikini behind?”
His eyes traveled over me, slowly and with filthy intent. “I have a swimming pool and a private beach, and skinny-dipping is positively encouraged.”
“I should imagine burnt nipples are uncomfortable.”
“So’s a burnt cock, but I have sunblock, too.”
I laughed. “You have an answer for everything.”
“Not quite everything.” Concern drifted across his features, but as I was about to ask what the matter was, his expression brightened. “Bring the bikini. I’ll have fun removing it.”
As we disembarked, a golf cart was waiting for us at the bottom of the gangplank. Although, it was bigger than a normal golf cart, with six seats and a space at the rear for luggage. Blay put our things in the back and took my hand, helping me inside. The cart sped away, overtaking excited passengers on their way to enjoy the delights of Barbados.
“Will we have time to see the island?”
Blay looked at me. “You’ve never visited Barbados?”
I shook my head. “First time.”
“In that case…” He tapped the driver on the shoulder. “Miguel, give us your best tour.”
Miguel saluted. “You got it, Mr. Kingcaid.”
Chapter 19
I’ve officially lost my mind.
Jill’s enthusiasm for an island I knew well was contagious. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She rattled off dozens of questions for Miguel, listening intently to his answers, and asked him to stop at various places, snapping photos on her phone, then showing me the pictures. We pulled over at a hut by the side of the road and drank cocktails out of scooped-out coconuts and pineapples. We paddled in the sea, holding hands and pausing to kiss every few feet.
The normalcy of it was addictive. I pondered whether I could get used to this freer life, one without the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. Yet even as I asked myself the question, I already knew the answer. While this was great for a few hours, a day, a week even, I craved the adrenaline rush of running a multibillion-dollar business. I’d slowly wither without the frenetic pace of my life.
“I can’t believe you own a home here,” Jill announced as we climbed back into the golf cart, sand in our toes and salt in our hair. “You’re so lucky.” She immediately shook her head. “No, not lucky. Fortunate. I’m not a believer in luck.”
“Neither am I. We make our own luck in life. Yes, I’m fortunate to have been born into a wealthy family, but if I didn’t pull my weight, my father wouldn’t hesitate to oust me from the business. And you’re fortunate that you have a talent for storytelling, but if you didn’t work hard at your craft, then you wouldn’t have seen the success you have.”
She wrinkled her nose. “Your father would fire you?”
“If I didn’t put the work in, yes. In a heartbeat.”
“Hmm. Well, if he does, I’ll hire you as my PA.”
My lips twitched. She truly was adorable. “I’ll bear that tempting offer in mind.”
Satisfied that Jill had seen everything she wanted to, we arrived at my home at fifteen minutes before one. We didn’t have to be back on the ship until seven, leaving us plenty of alone time.
Time I planned to use wisely.