Page 54 of Sean
“I’ve made a decision,” Emmy said into the silence that had fallen. “I’m going back to art school in the fall.”
“Finally,” his mother said, while Tara had a wide smile on her face.
“Yes, finally,” Emmy said with a laugh. “I emailed the admissions office, and they said it would be an easy process to reenroll. Just some paperwork, and I can pick up where I left off.”
“I’m proud of you,” Joe said, going to his younger daughter and giving her a hug. “But what brought that on now?”
“Julia.” Emmy pointed across the fire. “She reminded me how much I love making art.”
Congratulations and thanks flowed around the firepit as Sean’s mind drifted off in another direction. Emmy was finding her way forward, but where did he want to end up? What if he didn’t go back to his home? What if he stayed here to work on the ranch? There was plenty for him to do, and it would ease the workload on his mom. The big what if, though, was about Julia and the kids.
What if they stayed here with him? It was probably too soon to be thinking that with everything in her life still so up in the air, but he couldn’t keep himself from imagining what it would be like to have her, Amos, and Lucy, in a place that would always be home to him.
Julia sipped a glass of wine and held on to Sean’s hand as the fire died down. The evening had been magical, and she didn’t want it to end. Sean’s family were such wonderful people. She just wished she could have known JP. From the stories they told, he seemed like a great son and brother. No wonder losing him had affected Sean so profoundly.
She felt the same about Mira. A sibling’s death was so hard. Taking care of the kids had forced Julia to come to terms with Mira’s death or at least kept her so busy that she couldn’t dwell on it much. Sean had dwelled, and it had eaten away at him. Talking about JP with his family and being here on the ranch seemed like it was helping him heal. She hoped so. For his sake.
“Mommy?” Eden came out onto the porch. “Everyone’s asleep but me.” The girl squeezed her eyes shut and let out a huge yawn.
“Oh my gosh. It’s almost midnight.” Tara got up. “We better get these kids in their beds.”
Joe stayed to put the fire out while the others went inside. Sure enough, Lucy was sound asleep on the sofa between Ally Mae and Alice. Amos was stretched out on the floor, snoring softly.
“I’ve got this guy.” Sean bent over and scooped Amos into his arms. “I’ll come back for Lucy in a minute.”
“I can…”
“Let me,” he said, and she decided to. He was so good with the kids, so caring.
Julia followed him to the kids’ bedroom. He put Amos down and returned to the living room for Lucy. By the time he brought her up, Julia had Amos tucked in.
She helped him get Lucy settled. Julia kissed the girl’s forehead and pulled the covers up more closely around her.
“I guess they don’t have to brush their teeth tonight,” Julia said as she stepped back into Sean’s arms. He pulled her in close against him.
“But you’re worried about the cake, candy, and soda they ate,” he gently teased.
“I am. But their teeth won’t rot completely in just one night.” She thought again about what a wonderful father Sean would make. Lucy and Amos adored him, and he was great with them and his nieces. Watching that every day, and especially tonight when she was feeling extra vulnerable, only made her fall harder for him.
Because she’d definitely fallen for him, even though she knew she shouldn’t. It couldn’t be helped, but at the same time, she knew nothing could come of it. They’d agreed to no future, no commitment, and she would stick to that, which only made her cling to what they had now even harder. She turned in his arms and buried her face against his chest.
“Make love to me, Sean,” she whispered. “Please.”
“What’s this?” his voice was soft. “You don’t have to ask.”
She tilted her face up, feeling a little desperate for him. Desperate to spend every second she could with him while she could before their separation closed in on her. As soon as this business with Wilson was done, she’d slip from his life, but she didn’t like how that idea felt.
Without another word, she took his hand and led him to his room. As soon as the door was closed, she shed his sweatshirt and kicked out of her heels. She was struggling with the zipper of the dress when his hands closed over hers.
“There’s no rush, sweetheart.” He eased the zipper down, but instead of pushing the dress to the floor, he held her close. “We have all the time in the world.”
“But we don’t.” She didn’t want to be clingy, but she couldn’t help that her words came out that way.
His fingers went under her chin and slowly tipped it up. “What if we do?” His gaze was steady on her face.
What was he suggesting? It was too much to deal with just then. She just needed him, needed him to love her. She stepped out of his arms and shimmied free of the dress. Underneath, she wore only a pair of pink lace panties. His eyes coasted over her body in appreciation before returning to her face. She couldn’t quite read his expression. He wanted her—that she knew—but his look hinted at something more.