Page 19 of Holly and Ice
Earlier, he’d considered confiscating the dangerous evidence of his cat and his shapeshifting. Getting rid of the video footage would’ve been straightforward. Uncomplicated.
But his cat had chosen this moment to become fiercely protective of her. And Ice hadn’t fought his beast, because his human side didn’t like the thought of intimidating a helpless woman, either.
Now, the sight of her bare shoulder, peeking out where the blanket had slipped, tormented him with the need to move in and kiss his way down her smooth skin.
“Are there going to be other shapeshifters at the ranch dinner?” Holly asked.
Ice hesitated. It went against shifter etiquette to expose other shifters, but Holly deserved to know what she was getting into. Besides, he didn’t have to name names. “Yup. And some Ordinary humans like you. All kinds of folks live on the Cougar Creek Ranch.”
She pursed her lips and looked him up and down. Her gaze brushed him like a caress, and all his senses went on high alert. “Okay,” she said finally. “Thanks for the invitation. I’m looking forward to it.”
He hoped that meant she was looking forward to the company—his in particular—instead of considering it a fresh research opportunity into the mysteries of sabertooth shifter life.
He rose and checked the progress of the bread, then stirred the pot of chili, which was now steaming. “Not long now,” he promised. “Let me get you one of my clean shirts while your stuff finishes drying.”
Holly seemed to enjoy dinner, which pleased both Ice and his inner cat. He’d always enjoyed cooking for people and loved working at Bearpaw Springs Resort’s upscale restaurant.
She didn’t let up on the stream of questions, though, while shoveling spicy elk chili into her mouth.
He did his best to answer without giving away any secrets.
Throughout the meal, she kept sneaking looks at him when she thought he wasn’t paying attention. He liked the way her scent spiked and her pulse raced whenever he smiled at her or touched her.
He wasn’t used to that kind of response. Most of the time, women found his scarred face intimidating. But not Holly.
Encouraged, he found lots of excuses for his fingers to brush her hand when he ladled up the chili, handed her slices of warm sourdough, or refilled her wineglass from the bottle of expensive old-vine zinfandel that had been part of his job’s Thanksgiving bonus.
The kitchen crew and wait staff had all worked their asses off that night. Chef Daniel had shown his appreciation with not only a hefty cash bonus, but a mixed case of the restaurant’s best wines for each of his employees.
Ice finished explaining the leadership ranks of most sabertooth prides, aware of the lovely gray eyes resting on his face as Holly eagerly drank in every word.
“My turn,” he said when he’d finished. “Tell me what’s so bad about spending Christmas with your family.”
He had been curious about that since she’d mentioned her reasons for volunteering for a winter study.
All the interest and enthusiasm abruptly drained from Holly’s expression, leaving it shuttered. Her shoulders slumped and her gaze dropped to the dregs of chili in her bowl. She contemplated it silently for a few moments, then began chewing nervously on her plump lower lip.
“Holly?” Ice didn’t like the scent of distress that now tinged her scent. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
Chapter Nine – Dinner and a Story
She looked up. “My stepmom Nancy means well,” she began. She heaved a deep sigh. “Let me rewind. My mom died of cancer when I was fourteen.”
“I’m sorry,” Ice said sincerely. “I sympathize. Becca and I lost our parents in a car crash when I was seventeen.”
“Oh.” Her eyes filled with sympathy. She leaned over the table and put her hand on his forearm. “I’m so very sorry. But you understand what it’s like when you’re in high school and suddenly—” She chopped her hand through the air.
He nodded. “Yeah.”
“Anyhow, a year later, Dad met Nancy, and we moved from Connecticut to New Jersey after they got married. Nancy wasn’t mean to me or anything, and she tried hard to include me in all of her family stuff. But the Marinos are this big, loud bunch, and I always felt like an outsider. Whenever Nancy’s family gets together for the holidays, my stepmom and her sisters are always watching me and commenting on everything I do. It was torture when I was in high school. When I was an undergrad, I got questioned relentlessly about when I was going to bring a boy home for the family to meet.”
“What happened when you brought someone home with you?” Ice asked, trying to ignore the jealousy that stabbed him at the thought of Holly dating some random dude.
She looked shocked. “Are you kidding me? I never dared, not when I knew my date would run screaming in the opposite direction after Nancy and the Marino aunties interrogated him!”
Ice chuckled. “They sound intense,” he agreed.