Page 21 of Holly and Ice
“You’ve heard of him?” Ice asked, surprised. Sure, Calidus had a Michelin star, but usually only rich folks cared about stuff like that.
“Of course, I’ve heard about him! Everybody in Bearpaw Ridge knows him!” Holly grinned. “And before I came here, I saw Chef Daniel on Iron Chef America. And he won on Chopped, too!”
“Yeah, I guess he’s pretty famous,” Ice conceded. “It’s easy to forget because he’s really down to earth. He can be a real hard-ass, though.”
Holly put her elbows on the table and leaned forward. “So, how do duels fit into pride hierarchy?”
“There’s not much to it,” he said. “If you want to climb ranks in a pride, you challenge a higher-ranking member, and fight a duel. You take their place if you win. If you have a beef with someone, you can challenge and fight them.”
“And what are the rules? How do you determine the winner?”
“Rules are pretty basic. Fights are strictly one on one. No asking for help from your buddies. And you fight your opponent until one of you gives up.”
Holly looked horrified. “What happens if no one gives up?”
Ice’s mouth twisted in a humorless smile. As always, he felt his scar pull at his lips and stretch tightly over his cheekbone. “Then someone dies.”
“Yikes. That’s brutal.” She chewed on her lower lip again. Distress flooded her scent once more.
“But the shifters here do things differently,” he added. “To start with, they have an elected governing council instead of a single leader who fought his way through the ranks.”
“Well, that sounds less dangerous,” Holly said. “Are there still duels?”
Ice hesitated. He didn’t want to scare her off being willing to date him. “Sometimes, if the pride members have a dispute, and they can’t settle it by talking,” he said. “But not to the death. There’s a rule against that. It’s first blood only.”
“Hm.” She didn’t look convinced.
“My turn for a question,” he said belatedly. “Are you planning to stay in Bearpaw Ridge, or are you just here for that study you were doing?”
“Oh, you’re not getting rid of me that easily,” she joked, and squeezed his hand again. “I’m a contract wildlife biologist at the IDFG office in Bearpaw Ridge, but they told me that there’s a good chance my contract will be renewed next year. I really like it here, so that’s fine by me.”
“Good,” grunted Ice, and she smiled.
“Does your sister still live in the area?” she asked.
Ice nodded. “She hit it off with one of the park rangers. They got married in August and they’re expecting a baby in April.”
A familiar touch of melancholy brushed him.
“What’s wrong?” asked Holly, and he stared at her, surprised that she’d been able to read him so easily.
“Nothing,” he lied. At her skeptical look, he added reluctantly, “It’s just… for a long time, it was me and Becca against the world. Don’t get me wrong, Paul’s a great guy and he’s totally in love with her. But now I feel like a third wheel. She doesn’t need me anymore.” He shrugged, wondering why it was so easy to spill his guts to someone he’d only met a couple of hours ago.
“I’m sorry you’re having a tough time.” Holly’s fingers tightened around his. “I’m sure there’s someone out there for you.”
His throat tightened. Are you the one? The thought took him by surprise.
But she was so fucking perfect. Smart, beautiful, kind, and funny. And he wanted her worse than he’d ever wanted any woman in his life.
He reminded himself that she was dangerous. She was a scientist who had information that could destroy his life, not to mention the lives of everyone else here on the ranch.
And yet, he felt deep in his soul that he could trust her. Was this going to be another one of his fuck-ups?
No, whispered his cat. She is our mate. The one we’ve been waiting for.
Ice reflexively denied it. Then he glanced at their linked hands. It felt right. She felt right.
Typical great timing, he thought bitterly. I meet someone special just before I leave town.