Page 31 of Holly and Ice
Ice hovered protectively the entire time, glaring at Miles every time she wobbled. Luckily, it didn’t seem to faze the ortho tech.
When they left the clinic, he kept close, shadowing her as she cautiously navigated the short flight of steps leading from the waiting room door.
“Wanna grab some lunch before we head back to my place?” Ice asked when they made it to the sidewalk.
“Holly!” a familiar voice rang out before she could answer.
She looked up and saw her co-worker and fellow wildlife biologist, Dr. Evan Swanson. He was walking hand in hand with his wife. Steffi had armored herself against the winter weather with a bulky parka and a festive red-and-green knitted wool hat with matching scarf.
“Hey, Evan! Hi, Steffi!” Holly waved, and felt Ice’s hand on her hip, steadying her as she swayed on her new crutch. “Do you know Isaac?”
“I’m Holly’s new boyfriend,” he stated, extending his hand. He inhaled deeply, then added, “I live over at the Cougar Lake Ranch. Call me Ice.”
Evan and Steffi exchanged a quick glance. Then Evan grinned and shook Ice’s hand. “Great to meet you, Ice. I heard there were a bunch of new folks at Daniel’s place. Margaret Swanson is my aunt,” he added.
Apparently, that meant something to Ice. He nodded. “I work at Calidus. Chef Daniel is my boss.”
Steffi turned to Holly. “We heard you got caught in one of those awful bear traps.”
“Yeah. That’s how I broke my leg,” Holly said, pointing to her crutch. Her cast was now covered in a pair of loose sweatpants and a thick woolen sock.
Steffi shuddered. “I remember those poachers they arrested last year. Do you think they were the ones responsible for setting that trap in the park?”
“Maybe. It looked like it had been there for a while,” Ice said. He put his arm around Holly’s shoulders to steady her.
“Hey, Holls, Steff and I were just talking,” Evan began. He was a tall, handsome man, broad-shouldered and fit, clean-shaven with long dark hair tied back in a ponytail. “We have a guest room. Since you probably can’t drive right now, you’re welcome to stay at our place until you heal up. We can carpool into the office together.”
“Oh, that’s really sweet of you,” Holly replied. She felt Ice’s arm muscles tense up. “But we have it covered. Thank you, though. I really appreciate the thought.”
“And Holly’s gonna be finishing her bear hibernation study as planned,” added Ice. “I’m helping her with data collection.”
Evan looked intrigued. His hazel eyes rested on Holly for a long moment, then moved to Ice.
“Ah, so that’s how it is,” he commented enigmatically.
“Yup,” Ice responded.
Holly turned to him in inquiry.
“Have you guys had lunch yet?” Steffi interrupted. “Do you like barbecue? We’re heading over to Justin’s place—I mean, Wildcat Springs. It would be great to catch up with you.” She turned to Ice. “We haven’t seen Holly since our Halloween party. And she wouldn’t have to walk very far to the restaurant. It’s just down the street.”
“Barbecue sounds great!” Holly exclaimed. “And I’m starving.”
“Barbecue it is.” Ice bent and scooped her up in his arms. “And she’s not walking anywhere if I can help it.”
The next day, Ice set out after breakfast with the bundle of trail cams he had confiscated before the storm hit. Besides fulfilling his promise to Holly, he also wanted to harvest the Christmas tree he’d marked before the storm, plus investigate the illegal bear trap.
Evan had asked him to photograph it and note the GPS coordinates, so that he could forward the information to his contacts at the National Parks Service Investigative Services Branch and US Fish and Wildlife Service.
The bear trap showed signs of having been placed there at least a year ago, around the same time when elk and bear poachers had targeted the area. Over lunch with Evan and Steffi the previous day, Ice had heard all about the combined undercover operation by local police and game wardens, which had caught a pair of the perps. He concluded that the same poachers had probably set this trap, too.
On his way back, he swung by Holly’s cabin to pack up the clothing and gear she had requested. He was relieved that she’d agreed to move in with him for the winter. Now he had the time to convince her to stay with him forever.
It was strange to feel so happy. So right. For the first time in his life, he knew he was exactly where he was supposed to be. He was home.
And no matter where Holly’s job took her, that home would be wherever they were together.