Page 12 of Protective Cowboy
Once she ended the call, Autumn headed for the bandstand to make the announcement over the PA system.
That was when she spotted a familiar blue Superman t-shirt across the street from Town Square Park.
It was Jayden, sitting at a table in front of Jenna’s Java.
Relief crashed over her, followed by shock as she registered who sat across from him.
Phillip. Here in Snowberry Springs. Autumn froze. What the hell is he doing here?
She hadn’t seen or heard from her ex-husband since last winter.
Right after she and Jayden moved home, he’d bombarded her with texts and voicemail messages, alternately raging at her and begging her to come back. She’d responded by blocking him on her new phone and all her social media, then communicated with him only through their lawyers.
The last she’d heard, he’d moved to New Jersey, presumably to share that luxury apartment with Ms. Theresa Botticelli and her baby daughter. He’d relinquished custody of Jayden without a fight.
Predictably, he quickly fell behind on his alimony and child support payments, probably because he was paying for yet more designer shoes and purses.
Autumn had hoped never to see his lying, cheating face again.
And yet, here he was, looking as cool and confident as ever.
Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she marched over to Jenna’s. The knot in her stomach tightened as each step took her closer to the man she’d spent most of her twenties trying to please.
“Jayden!” she called out as she approached the table, trying to keep her voice light and cheerful for her son’s sake. “I’ve been looking all over for you! What’s going on?”
An old-fashioned glass ice cream bowl on the table in front of her son held a half-eaten banana split sundae.
Phillip had opted for an iced coffee and one of Jenna’s divine chocolate chip cookies.
“Hi, Mommy!” Jayden shot her a guilty look. “Daddy said he wanted to buy me ice cream and catch up. That’s okay, right?”
“Of course, it’s okay,” Phillip growled before Autumn could say anything. “He’s my damn son.”
Jayden’s anguished expression as his gaze bounced between his parents made her heart ache.
“Yes, it’s okay, sweetie,” she assured him. “I was just a little worried when I couldn’t find you.” She forced a smile.
Then she turned her attention to Phillip and let her smile drop away. “Can I talk to you a moment? In private?”
“Sure.” He rose from his chair and straightened his stylish linen blazer. It was a pale blue that matched his eyes. “I’ll be back in a minute, J,” he told their son. “Save my seat, will ya?”
As Phillip followed her to the corner, out of Jayden’s earshot, she wondered why she’d ever found him attractive.
Sure, she and her friends had all considered him a “silver fox,” but once she’d gotten pregnant with Jayden, she discovered that his handsome features and effortless charm hid an ugly side.
“What the hell are you doing here, Phillip?” she demanded.
“Nice to see you too, babycakes,” he replied with a smug smirk. She’d always hated that nickname. “Is it so hard to believe that I’d want to spend time with my son?”
“Considering your track record? Yeah, it is,” she retorted. Her hands clenched into fists, and she felt her short nails dig into her palms.
His brows rose. “Why, Autumn, are you jealous?” His tone was mocking.
Autumn rolled her eyes as she recognized one of his favorite tactics. When backed into a corner, he attacked.
“Cut the crap, Phillip. What are you doing here?”
He looked at her with feigned innocence. “Like I said, I’m just here to see my son and spend some time with him.”