Page 16 of Protective Cowboy
“Are you sure?” Matt asked, his protectiveness warring with his desire to respect her wishes.
Autumn hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Yes, I’m sure. Thank you, though. Really.”
“You know, Mr. Garthe,” Matt said, his words clipped, “you could’ve saved everyone a lot of trouble if you’d just let the Snowberry family know you wanted to see Jayden. As it was, your irresponsible actions sent the entire town on high alert.”
“Excuse me?” Phillip snapped, his eyes flashing with anger. “I’m not irresponsible, just a dad who wanted to see the son she’s kept from me for months.”
“Oh, please!” Autumn exclaimed. “You’re the one who moved to New Jersey last winter to be with your other woman and child! And you’re the one who didn’t want custody or visitation.”
Matt had heard that Autumn’s husband had cheated on her. But the revelation that he had a second child with his mistress took Matt aback.
Phillip Garthe is one slimy bastard, all right.
“Seems to me, Mr. Garthe,” Matt pointed out, fighting to keep his tone calm, “that you’re more interested in scoring points against Autumn here, maybe even scaring her, than doing the right thing.”
“Oh yeah? Well, let me tell you something, Officer,” Phillip barked, incensed. “As usual, Autumn was too busy messing around on social media to keep an eye on our son! Anything could’ve happened to him while she was acting like an empty-headed little poser!”
The insult, coupled with the hurt in Autumn’s eyes, made Matt’s protective instincts kick into high gear. He clenched his fists, struggling to keep his temper in check.
“She’s smart and anything but a poser,” he growled, taking a step closer to Phillip. “Autumn’s worked miracles as head of our town’s publicity and tourism. If it wasn’t for her, we wouldn’t be holding this festival or seeing all these visitors.”
As he spoke, Phillip’s face slowly turned brick red with rage.
“Enough!” Autumn interjected. The quaver in her voice broke Matt’s tenuous hold on his anger. She put her hand on his arm. “Please, Matt. I know you mean well, but you’re not helping.”
“Got that right!” Phillip glared at Matt, his lips pressed into a thin line. “Who the hell do you think you are, anyway?”
Matt’s gaze locked with Phillip’s. An idea struck him like a bolt of lightning, and before he could think it through, the words tumbled out of his mouth.
“I’m her boyfriend.” The moment the words left his lips, he mentally kicked himself. What the hell am I saying?
Phillip’s eyes widened in disbelief. He looked like Matt had just punched him in the face. All his arrogance and bluster vanished, leaving behind only surprise and bewilderment.
Well, that just blew the tires on his truck. Matt felt savage satisfaction at the other man’s expression.
“Autumn, what’s going on here?” Phillip began.
She threw Matt a panicked look, and he braced himself for her angry denial. Fuck, what was I thinking?
Then, to his astonishment, she smiled coyly. “Sweetie, I thought we agreed to keep our relationship under wraps for now?” she said, playing along, much to his amazement. “For Jayden’s sake.”
Then she wrapped her arms around Matt and leaned into his chest.
His body instantly responded to the sensation of her soft breasts pressing against him and the scent of her auburn hair. He wrapped around his arms around her, shielding her from Phillip. Her back felt rigid under his hand, every muscle tensed.
She spoke again. “You see, Phillip, Matt’s my old high school boyfriend. We started dating again this summer while I was planning this festival. We spent a lot of time together and discovered we still have so much in common.”
“You’re Mommy’s boyfriend, Deputy Matt?” Jayden was staring up at them, wide-eyed.
Matt looked down and give Jayden a conspiratorial grin. “It’s supposed to be a big secret. Can you promise not to tell anyone?”
The boy nodded eagerly. “Cross my heart and hope to die!” he declared.
Phillip was scowling at them again. But the big man seemed at a loss for his next move. Good.
“Autumn, why don’t I walk you and Jayden over to the park where your parents are waiting?” Matt suggested, trying to keep his voice steady and professional.
He could see the relief in her eyes as she nodded. “Sounds good,” she breathed, a shaky smile gracing her lips.