Page 39 of Protective Cowboy
Matt got out of his truck first and looked around for Phillip before signaling to Autumn.
“Hi, Mom! Hi, Dad!” she called as she slid out of his truck, then helped Jayden out.
Bob came down from the porch and exchanged hugs with his daughter and grandson, then shook Matt’s hand. “Morning, Deputy.”
“Morning, Mr. Snowberry, Mrs. Snowberry.”
Priscilla waved from the porch.
Autumn craned her head toward the guest cabins. “Still here?” she asked her dad.
“Yeah, still sleeping. Not gonna let him laze around too much longer, though,” Bob answered, frowning.
“We don’t want him to think he’s welcome here anymore,” Priscilla added. She bent and swept Jayden up into a hug as he ran up the porch steps to embrace her. “Hey, how’s my favorite little cowboy today?”
“Ready to round up some cattle!” Jayden exclaimed. He peered over his grandmother’s shoulder and waved excitedly. “Hi, Abby! Hi, April!”
Priscilla released him from her embrace. Matt had to smile as the little boy practically launched himself off the porch and sprinted toward the corral.
Two brown-haired girls stood there in riding boots and helmets, waiting while Spring checked the buckles and girth straps on a trio of patiently waiting horses.
Watching Jayden enthusiastically greet his cousins, Matt felt a pang of regret.
He could’ve been my kid, if things had worked out differently.
He glanced over at Autumn, and remembered the taste of her, and her soft mouth against his.
He’d be willing to swear in a court of law that she’d enjoyed their kiss just as much as he had. Now, he just had to wait for another opportunity to put Codeword: Daisy into operation and find out.
“Thanks for keeping Phillip off the road last night, Mr. Snowberry,” Matt said, forcing his thoughts back down to earth. “He’s really lucky he didn’t hurt or kill anyone… or spend the night in jail.”
Bob grunted. “Appreciate you taking such good care of my girl.”
“It’s my pleasure,” Matt said. “It’s been great catching up with Autumn.”
With Jayden safely delivered into his uncle’s care, she was in a hurry to leave.
They both declined Priscilla’s offer of breakfast, and Autumn all but sprinted over to her blue Subaru Impreza. Matt got back in his truck and followed her back to town.
He parked his truck behind hers around the corner from the cafe.
“Ready for Codeword: Daisy, part deux?” he asked when she climbed out of her car.
“Ready as I’ll ever be! I’m prepared to kill anyone standing between me and that coffee.” Autumn laced her fingers through his and shot him a flirtatious look. “Oops, that was probably the wrong thing to say in front of law enforcement.”
Matt wanted to make a joke about handcuffs, but figured it was too soon.
Also, the thought of a naked Autumn cuffed to his bedpost was far too appealing, and he didn’t want to walk into the bakery sporting a visible hard-on.
“It’s my job to prevent crime—especially violent crime,” he responded instead. “So, I’ll be getting you one sixteen-ounce drip coffee with a splash of milk and one Splenda, pronto.”
“You remembered how I take my coffee?” Autumn came to a dead stop and gazed up at him.
The gratitude in her eyes made him feel uncomfortable, especially for such a small thing. “It’s no big deal,” he mumbled.
“Nine years of marriage, and Phillip still thought I liked my coffee black, like he did.”
“Which just confirms that your ex is a self-centered ass,” Matt remarked.