Page 58 of Protective Cowboy
Her heart was pounding like a jackrabbit on the run and her fingers were trembling as she fumbled for her phone. “Oh my God,” she muttered. “What did he do? What did he say about me?”
“Autumn, don’t look.” Matt placed his hand over hers, preventing her from taking her phone out of her purse. “Don’t let him ruin our night out.”
“Whatever that article says, you can’t do anything about it right now. And it’s not as if anyone here is going to believe a thing that man says about you.”
“You’re right.” It took every ounce of her willpower, but she dropped her phone back into her purse. “Why let Phillip ruin our nice dinner together?”
Matt smiled approvingly at her words and led her over to an empty table.
But thanks to Donna’s dire warning, Autumn couldn’t relax and enjoy her dinner or Matt’s company.
I knew he’d find some way to get back at me!
She felt sick with dread and barely touched her meatloaf, and ended up boxing it up to take home.
Not even dessert, a scrumptious bourbon-pecan brownie sundae with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and salted caramel sauce, could overcome the boiling unease that ruined her appetite.
When they arrived back at the house, Matt walked her to the porch and drew her into his arms. The kiss was slow and deep, lighting her up like the emerging stars.
She sighed as he pulled away, glad their date didn’t have to end yet. “Thank you for a wonderful time.”
“The pleasure was all mine. I just wish Donna hadn’t ruined the meal for you.” He brushed a stray lock of hair from her face. “Your parents have Jayden until tomorrow?”
She nodded and forced herself to banter in a light tone. “You see, I was hoping to get lucky with you tonight.”
“Why, Ms. Snowberry, are you propositioning an officer of the law?” he asked her with mock outrage.
She threw him her most sultry look and lowered her voice suggestively. “Are you going to slap a pair of cuffs on me if I am?”
He looked startled for an instant. Then he gave her a wicked smile. “Don’t give me ideas.”
After one more deep, delicious kiss, he opened his front door and ushered her inside.
“I’ll just go change into something more comfortable,” she told him as he led her further into the house. “And I want to take off my makeup so I don’t get it all over your pillows.”
In her bedroom, once she’d cleansed her face and changed into her nicest lingerie, curiosity overwhelmed her. She had to know what Donna had been talking about.
She pulled her phone out of her purse and searched for Philip’s name online. Her eyes widened as the results popped up.
True to form, Phillip hadn’t technically violated the Order of Protection.
No, he’d found something much, much worse to do to her.
Chapter Fourteen
Rough Comfort
Autumn trembled with shock and rage as she read the interview.
Oh yes, Phillip had found the perfect revenge for her restraining order. All the venom he’d spewed at her over the past two weeks laced the interview like poison.
He painted her as a hypocrite, a liar, and a negligent mother. He accused her of ignoring Jayden in favor of her social media career while sleeping around with her old boyfriend. And, of course, he accused her of trying to keep her son away from his loving father.
Even worse, he said her depiction of her beloved hometown as a friendly place filled with caring people was nothing but lies. In his eyes, Snowberry Springs was a foul nest of backstabbing locals who bowed to Grandma Abigail’s will and gave the Snowberry family special treatment they didn’t deserve.
No one escaped his wrath. It was sickening to see him spout nasty lies about Winnie and Nick, Summer and Brock, and even her parents.