Page 36 of The Wolf King's Demand
“As big as Somberglen Castle?” he asked.
“It is about the same size,” she said. “But it looks different. There are more towers and things to explore than here.”
“Oh, cool,” he said.
“Your mom is the queen, isn’t she?” asked Liddy shyly. “Do you think she’ll like me?”
“How could she not like you?” said Addison with a smile. “You are amazing.”
Liddy smiled. “And your dad is the king,” she surmised. “Is he big and mean?”
Addison laughed. “No. Completely the opposite. He only ever gets cross with people who deserve it. He couldn’t get mad at you,” she assured her. “And all my sisters are going to be there. They’ll all love you too.”
“How many sisters have you got?” Liddy wanted to know.
“Three sisters. There is Madison, who is my twin. Then there’s Lexi, the baby, and Taryn, who saved my life yesterday with her knowledge of magic herbs.”
“Wow, did she really save your life?” Timon asked.
“Yes, she did. She’s very clever,” Addison said.
“I want to be a healer when I grow up,” said Liddy.
“Well, you’ll have to talk to Taryn about that,” Addison replied.
The car journey went smoothly enough. They had to make several stops, and Addison noticed Tyler’s apprehension every time both cars came to a halt. While they were traveling, they were exposed and vulnerable. But the kids needed bathroom breaks and to stretch their legs.
It was late afternoon when they eventually arrived. The entire family came pouring out of the castle doors to greet them. Not only were all of Addison's sisters there, but their mates were too. It made for quite a large party with plenty of arms to welcome the four little orphan children.
It must have taken half an hour for the welcome party to all be introduced to the newcomers and for everyone to be thoroughly hugged and kissed.
“Come in, come in,” the queen insisted. “We have refreshments in the dining room. You must all be starving, not to mention thirsty.”
“Do you have any lemonade?” Timon asked, who had attached himself quite firmly to Addison’s mom.
“We have gallons of lemonade,” she replied, reaching out and taking his hand. “Addison warned me that you preferred it.”
“Can I explore your towers?” Addison heard him asking as he was led away. He was going to be a scamp; she could tell.
Cassia was looking rather shy, so Addison sat her at the table between herself and Madison. Madison had a sweet nature that she knew would make Cassia feel right at home.
Taryn sat on the other side of the table, and Addison told her how Liddy dreamed of being a healer when she was older. Taryn promised to show her the apothecary and take her out foraging sometime. It wasn’t long before they were having quite an in-depth conversation about herbology. Addison realized it wasn’t some idle dream. Liddy really was interested in the subject.
Tyler sat on the other side of her, talking to her father, and for a moment, Addison sat in a pocket of silence amid the hubbub of her family. She looked around at all the faces, old and new. She felt a warmth spread up from her toes. These were her people.
She suddenly didn’t know why she had ever delayed coming back here. Maybe it’s because I left here as a child, and I’ve come back as an adult. A mother, too, by the looks of it.
“Pass the rolls over, daydreamer,” said Lexi opposite her.
Addison smiled and passed them across the table. The noise of her family all chattering at once washed over her again. “How are you doing, Lexi?” she asked. She caught up with all of her sisters as the evening passed happily into the night.
Eventually, the kids were tucked up in bed, way past their bedtime. They were all exhausted after their long day and fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows.
Later, the adults who could shift went for a run. Tyler talked to her before they left. “Are you going to be okay if I go out?” he asked.
“Of course I am. There are enforcers and guards everywhere. Plus, no one knows we’re here,” she replied. “I have lots of family to visit. You have fun.” She gave him a kiss. “Thank you for bringing me here. It was a good idea.”
He pulled her into a fierce hug.