Page 62 of The Jester and His Outlaw: Part 2
I know how to take care of myself and I’m proud to have made it into the Academy and the University on scholarships. That was all me. My hard work. All while keeping a job and paying bills. A flicker of doubt trickles in.
“Did I get into the Academy on my own or did you buy my way in to keep me close?” The shake of his head is immediate as his eyes shoot to mine, pleading.
“No, I did not buy your way in. That was all you, son.” He offers me a kind, proud smile and I breathe a sigh of relief. “Riggs,” he says, more sternly this time. “I know you don’t need the money, that you can take care of yourself, but it is yours. You don’t have to work yourself to death while going to school to make ends meet. You can focus on your future.”
Future. There’s that word again.
“Sorry, Mr. Tucker, but right now, it feels a little wrong to take that money. I’m not the kids that you couldn’t save. I feel like that money was theirs. If they were here instead of me, you never would have thought twice about me.”
“What-ifs are just that, what-ifs. This is the hand life dealt us, Riggs. The past is not something we can change. Just remember, the money is there, meant for you. Take it if you want, if not, save it for your future children or donate it later on when you’re completely sure you don’t want it. Think of it as a payment for all the money your grandmother used to keep custody of you, and an apology for the wrong I’ve done.”
I’d be lying if I said that didn’t help a little, but that means it’s Gramma’s money, not mine. Those thoughts I push to the back of my mind. I don’t want to think about all that right now. He has given me a lot of answers that I’ve needed for a while. It’s too much to process after what happened last night with Charley.
“Hey,beautiful. It’s time to wake up.” I sit on the edge of the bed. Outlaw has the blankets pulled up to her chin and fit snug in her arms is the pillow I used. After we had sex, she brushed her hair and pulled it into a tight ponytail so it wasn’t a mess in the morning. Didn’t work though, she’s sporting a bird’s nest on the top of her head. The elastic is almost out. She must have been tossing and turning since I got up because when I left her, it was still firmly in place.
Just another thing for me to feel guilty about.
She murmurs in her sleep. I haven’t dared touch her yet. I want to, but I’m not sure if it is the right thing to do after what happened, especially after waking her up.
I take the chance and place my hand gently on her shoulder, then I rub up and down her arm. Her eyes open at a snail’s pace and she stares straight forward toward the window on the far side of the room.
“What time is it?”
“It’s after eight.”
“What? I’ve missed my workout and I have class in an hour.” Her body whips up into a sitting position, her wild hair following somewhere behind her.
“Outlaw, it’s Sunday.” Her glance is somewhat sheepish. I take the time to inspect her neck without her noticing.
There’s nothing there. A breath of relief flows out of me.
“Damn. I guess I needed some sleep, huh?” She gives me a gentle smile that warms me. Those damn smiles are everything to me.
“It was a late night. Mr. Tucker has made breakfast for us.”
“You mean the staff has made breakfast.” I shake my head and her eyes widen before returning to normal.
“No,hemade breakfast, and it looks damn good. I’m also starving, so get your sexy ass up, fix that hair and come eat breakfast with me. Apparently, I’m rich.” I’m not sure how to tell her everything Mr. Tucker shared with me. I’ve thought about it all morning and maybe that is why I waited so long to wake her. My feelings are still a mess, and I’m just trying to absorb them, let them settle, and accept them.
They’re still a hurricane to sort through, but for the moment, I’ve reached a sort of peace in the eye of that storm. Since I wasn’t feeling so bad about it, the thought sort of slipped out to Charley.
“Huh?” she remarks, still sleepy.
“I found out some news this morning.” She still looks as confused as my brain feels.
“What do you mean?” she asks skeptically. I tell her about the entire conversation. She knows how much I’ve struggled over the things Mr. Tucker has done.
“No way, dude.”
“Are you okay? I mean, damn. I want to be mad for you and excited.” She stands and moves toward me. I drifted across the room while I was talking, just needing to move and expel some of the jitters in my system.
She rubs her hands up my arms, trailing them up my neck and cupping my jaw just under my ears. It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her not to worry about me, but I know she will, so I’m going to do what I can to ease that for her.
“Surprisingly, I’m okay. It pissed me off. I’m not that anymore, but I’m also not sure what I am. I have too many questions on how to move forward, to let go now that he’s apologized, so can I get back to you on that one?” The smile that forms on her lips is one of understanding and sympathy. Her thumbs glide over my cheekbones.Fuck, this girl. I lean into her touch, wanting her in my arms. “How are you doing?”
“I’m good.” Her response is almost immediate.