Page 4 of I'm Sorry
“You don’t have to be a bitch, Lennox.”
“So, graduation,” Lauren interrupts, preventing us from taking our disagreement any further and supplying gossip for the vultures to post online. God, I’m so sick of seeing shit about myself on the internet. I’ve never seen more hideous photos than some that random people have snapped while were unsuspecting of their antics. “What are we doing afterward?”
“Nothing,” I say as Juniper says, “Going to the club. We are all finally eighteen, so there’s no reason not to.”
Lauren groans, looking extremely unenthusiastic.
“Don’t even give me that look.” Juniper raises a brow at our best friend, who sticks her tongue out in return. “We’re goin’ to the club. You guys promised me.”
“You know I have no problem backing out of a promise.” Lauren scoops up the last bite of her cheesecake, then drags her fork through the remnants of the syrup on her plate.
“Rude,” Juniper says, crossing her arms over her chest. A giggle is trying to escape me, so I casually place my hand over my mouth. Lauren shrugs at my sister, smirking. “I don’t care what you bitches say. We are goin’ to the club and we are gonna dance our asses off.”
“And get all sweaty and nasty.” Lauren huffs at my comment.
“Get all sweaty and nasty with a hot guy, or a few. It’s not my fault you guys have boyfriends,” Junie sasses back.
“Getting sweaty and nasty with random strangers. That sounds like so much fun. It must really stink in a club, no? That’s a lot of possibilities for body odor that I’m just not okay with,” Lauren continues.
“Ugh!” Juniper grunts and stands, frustrated with us. I’m positive we will end up at the club no matter how hard we try to fight it, because we know it will make my sister happy. That’s what I do. I please people. “I’m leaving.”
I toss a wad of bills down on the table for our server and follow my sister out, slinging my purse over my shoulder. Lauren grins at me, only for that grin to turn sour when we walk past a table of people with their cellphones up. They’re trailing our every move with video.
It’s on the tip of my tongue to say something to them, but that will only add fuel to the fire, and when Lauren tenses next to me, I know she is about to say something as well.
“Not worth it, babe. Let’s just get to the car.” A couple shrill whistles catch my attention, annoyingly, and I take longer to rebound and ignore them than I want it to.
“Hey, beautiful, how about we switch it up and you take two dicks?”
“One in the ass, another in the pussy like the good little slut you are?” Masculine chuckles vibrate the air around us and I swallow nervously. Those kinds of assholes have a tendency to follow us. Sometimes they get violent when they’re ignored. Thankfully, they are just getting their food, so I don’t think they will, but a situation like this always puts me on edge.
“Get some new material, fuck-stain. You think we haven’t heard that one before? She’s in high school.” I pale and grip Lauren’s arm as I shrink in on myself.
“Lauren!” I whisper-yell. “Shut up! Right this minute.”
“Hush,mom.” She sneers in the direction of the cat-callers, actually lifting her lip as if she’s an animal and it makes me giggle. I love my best friend.
Ahead of us, Juniper is holding her chin high, her shoulders squared, and she’s making her way through the crowd as if she’s a model on a runway. Her philosophy is that it’s better to give them pictures that lookbangin’since we have to deal with them photographing us.
She’s so exaggerated though, swinging her hips, basically crossing one stiletto over the other. “Abominations like you don’t deserve the money you have. Disgusting!”
Juniper stops, flips her hair over her shoulder like she’s at the end of the runway, and smiles politely as if they didn’t just say that. I roll my eyes and link my arm through Lauren’s, then collect my sister in the same manner as we pass.
Our server is standing next to a woman that looks to be a manager, waiting for us by the exit. My stomach drops. They’re probably going to ask us not to come back. The manager gives me a bright smile, a set of straight white teeth gleaming. She looks like a friendly woman, not quite my mom’s age, dark hair streaked with gray pulled back into a low bun. She has on a black button down, red bowtie, and gray slacks that hug her frame.
“Hi, ladies. I’m Marsha, a manager here. I just wanted to apologize for the nonsense during your visit.”
“It’s okay, Marsha. This isn’t the first time, and it won’t be the last.” This makes her frown, eyes full of sympathy.
“That’s unfair. It’s a cruel world.”
“Tell me about it,” Juniper mumbles, and I nudge her with my elbow. She nudges me back. I’m being annoying, but I can’t help it. Giving the jerks more ammo is never the smart thing to do. This woman is just trying to help us and she doesn’t need my sister’s attitude.
“Unfortunately, Marsha, there isn’t much we can do about it.”
“Next time you’d like to visit, please call ahead and we will put you in one of the private party rooms so you can dine in peace.” This woman is only trying to help, but she doesn’t realize how infuriating it is to have to eat in a private room. We just want to eat at a table in a restaurant like normal people.
Instead of telling her that and getting myself all worked up over the unjustness of our world, I plaster on a fake smile and reach out, shaking Marsha’s hand. “Thank you for the offer, Marsha. That means a lot to us. We really enjoyed our meal and our server was excellent. You guys have a great establishment.”