Page 26 of Tangled Deceit
Her last words are said sternly, but she doesn’t intimidate me. At least, not today.
“Dr. Thomson said I could walk short distances,” I tell her. “While I’m not feeling so sore, help me get out of bed.”
Her eyes narrow at me. “Are you lying?”
“Call him yourself and check.” I’m already trying to move my legs on my own. Damn it. Why does everything hurt so bad, and how the hell did I even make it to that train stop?
She huffs. “I believe you. Mostly.”
Her hands wrap gently around my thighs, helping to get my feet off the side of the bed before she reaches for my shoulders to help me sit up.
As I’m lifted, my head starts to pound and my stomach churns, but I push down the nausea. I can’t get sick, or Justine won’t ever help me out of the bed. I need to be strong for Tori, just as I assume she’s attempting to be for me right now.
“How are we doing?” Justine asks, still keeping a hold on my shoulders that I silently appreciate.
“Okay,” I say. “I just need a minute here before we walk.”
A smirk curls on her lips. “If you’d said anything else, I’d have known you were lying, so good choice.”
“How?” I glance up, trying to act stronger than I feel.
Her finger pokes lightly at my forehead. “You’re all sweaty and pale. Probably seconds from passing out if you do anything else. I’m going to help you, but not at the expense of your recovery.”
Once again, I know she’s right, but that doesn’t mean I want to agree with her. I need to move. I need to…do something. Anything that will help get Tori back.
Being helpless is really fucking shitty.
“Can you sit up on your own?” Justine asks, staring hard at my face. “I think you need some water before we continue.”
My palms press flat on the bed, and I nod. “I can sit here.”
“And stay,” she adds with a snicker as she heads out of the bedroom.
I’m tempted to get up out of spite, but I decide better of it. One thing worse than my friend jokingly treating me like a dog is falling on my face and having her find me ass-up on the floor. Though, it wouldn’t be the first time…
She comes back with two bottles and some crackers. “Take a few sips and try to eat something first. Theo gave you liquid sustenance while you were unconscious with an IV, but you haven’t had real food since Luca brought you home.”
Hell, I haven’t had real food in a week. Titan only gave me water and a slice of stale bread a few times while he had me.
Now that I’m thinking about it, my stomach growls loudly and the crackers suddenly make me ravenous.
Justine laughs as I take them from her. “We’ll get you real food as soon as we’re done walking. You don’t want to eat too much, only to throw it up.”
Shit. I hope I don’t vomit just from walking. That would mean I’m worse off than I feel. For now, I’m going to hope that little strolls and a lot of rest over the next day or two will have me moving normally enough that I can leave this apartment.
I’m what Titan wants, even if Luca hasn’t said it. At least, that’s what I assume since he took my best friend. If they can’t find her, then I’ll gladly be the bait to do so. Hell, I’d trade my life for hers. None of this has anything to do with her, and if I can save her life, then I’ll do whatever it takes to do so. Consequences be damned.
After I’ve eaten and drank, Justine finally helps me to the ground. The numbing from the cream has increased, but not to the point that I can’t feel my movements. Just enough that there’s a chance I might overdo it without realizing, which I intend to be mindful of.
“Ready?” Justine asks as she keeps an arm wrapped around my waist and a hold on my hand.
I lift my foot and take the first step. “As I’ll ever be.”
“Girl, your strength baffles me. On top of the love I have for you, there's a healthy dose of respect,” she confesses, surprising me with her compliment.
Another step. “Why would you say that?”
“I would be in a ball in the corner if I were you,” she answers with a grimace. “I thought having a stalker take away my sense of security was bad, but that lasted for just a few days. What you’ve endured over the last month…it’s more than most anyone could handle. So, no matter what happens next, just know that you’re strong enough to withstand it.”