Page 23 of Dark Seduction
The man’s frown falls away, and there’s not one trace of his prior grin. Instead, he swallows thickly and nods, moving to the chair and taking a seat.
V and Burnt still flutter through my mind but I shake it off, reaching for the buttons on my blouse and undoing them one by one.
As I stand before the older gentleman, my fingers teasingly working on the last button of my shirt, I can sense his anticipation building. His eyes are fixed on me, a hunger in his gaze that matches my own desire.
But suddenly, his attention wavers, and he frowns. I turn to follow his gaze, my fingers freezing on the button. My heart quickens as I see V and Burnt in the doorway of the room, on their knees, their heads bowed in submission to me.
A rush of mixed emotions washes over me—surprise, confusion, and a strange sense of power. They've followed me here, and the dynamics of our interactions have shifted once again. It's a sight that leaves me both intrigued and uncertain about what lies ahead.
With a polite yet regretful smile, I turn back to the older gentleman sitting in the throne. "I'm sorry, but it seems our plans will have to wait," I say, my voice filled with a mixture of apology and intrigue. "Perhaps another time."
He nods, a hint of disappointment in his eyes, and rises from the throne. I watch him leave the room, skirting around the massive men in the doorway.
Turning my attention to V and Burnt, who remain on their knees with their heads bowed, I approach them slowly. The air is charged with a newfound tension, and I can feel the weight of their submission.
I reach out and gently lift their chins, one after the other, forcing them to meet my gaze. "What am I going to do with the two of you?”
Mack paces backand forth in front of us. She tightly crosses her arms across her chest, which is still mostly covered by her unbuttoned shirt. Her curves are on full display though, her cleavage spilling over the cups of her bra in billowy creamy pillows.. A slick sheen of sweat sticks her body, highlighting them even more. It takes everything I have to keep my eyes on her face and not the beautiful body that I had just worshiped. But it’s when I see her eyes, staring off into the distance as she paces, that concern me more than my own needs to feel her wrapped around my cock again.
“Is she okay?” I whisper to V, who shrugs back an answer.
“Say something,” V begs from the floor next to me.
“This was a mistake,” she mutters under her breath when she passes us again.
“Quit fucking saying that.” My voice comes out more abrasive than I had intended. “Nothing we do together is a fucking mistake.”
She peers over at us, eyes still far away. “Why did you follow me here?” Her sultry voice is low and soft, like a silken caress of night against your skin.
“You know why,” V says.
She shoots a glare in both of our directions. Uneasiness behind her dark eyes. The same emotion she’d see in the both of us if she’d just look hard enough at us instead of averting her gaze. “You shouldn’t have come here.”
“Why is that? Because us being here makes you uncomfortable to admit that you want this just as badly as we do?” V growls back at her.
She doesn’t acknowledge his question at all. She begins her pacing again. “Too much more of that, Mack, and you’ll be wearing a hole in the floor.” My attempt to lighten the mood garners no response. “Why do you think we came here, Mack?”
“To get laid,” she answers coolly.
“Not wrong,” V grins. “That would definitely be a perk, but we came here for you.”
“You shouldn’t have,” she says, repeating the answer she had given us already. Her eyes are wild, the anger boiling in them as hot as her breath. I can see the wrinkles in her brow, the tiny beads of sweat on her hairline.
“Why not? You left the garage in a fucking tizzy. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out you were on your way here to make a huge mistake.” We came to stop her from making a mistake, but the more she pushes back, a part of me wonders if we should have let her be. The last thing I want to do is push her away.
“I left to get the hell away from you two. Do you honestly think I was just going to stand there and get off on the two of you fighting over me? That is not the woman that I am.”
“No, instead of letting us get that shit out of our system and calm down, you ran. To drown out all those big feelings of yours that you’ve been trying to stamp down for the last week by coming here and fucking around with a stranger.”
“So what if that’s what I was going to do? This is my life. My body. Not yours or his,” she spits, pointing at us both. “You don’t have the right to control me.”
“You’re right. We don’t, but we can’t sit idly by and watch you implode. I won’t do that. We’re good together, isn’t that obvious? You’re just too stubborn to see it,” V snarls again. “I’m fucking done trying to force down how I feel about you. It’s high time you had a good long look in the mirror and realized it, too.”
“Unbelievable,” Mack remarks. “You think because we slept together that you have this magical hold over me, don’t you?”
“You seemed to enjoy it,” V shrugs.