Page 6 of Dark Seduction
Her mouth is magic, her tongue finding every nerve ending I have, sending shivers down my spine.
“Fuck,” V mutters from beside me, still on his knees between her legs.
Jesus Christ. Why is the prospect watching me get my cock devoured so fucking hot?
My knees are about to buckle when she releases me, and when she stands, my head is spinning.
There are people at the door, but I’m too focused on what is happening inside the room to pay attention to the ones watching. Let them watch. This isn’t about them, but I would bet my life that they wish it was.
“Lay down,” she tells V, motioning to a flat table to our left.
V stands without hesitation and does as instructed. For the first time ever, I find myself naked and aroused with another man in the room, and I can’t bring myself to care. It’s not just any man. It’s V, and we’re in this scenario together. For some reason, I couldn’t imagine it any other way. This is right. This is the way it should be. This is fate.
As V lays down on the table, we both watch the woman as she walks towards him, grabbing my hand and pulling me along as she moves. Her hips are full and round, swaying with each step like a dancer.
“I’m going to fuck your friend,” she says, turning to gaze up at me. “And when I do, you keep your eyes on me the whole time. Do not look away. Do you understand?”
I swallow and nod, captivated by her spell.
She leans down then and presses her lips to V’s, capturing them in a kiss. Her hand trails along his naked torso, skimming over his cock and back up again. Jealousy and need bubble low in my gut, but I don’t move. I do exactly as she’d told me and I watch.
When she pulls away, she looks back over her shoulder, her mask doing nothing to hide the heat in her eyes. A sultry smile forms on her lips as she climbs up onto the table, first one knee, and then the other, then she settles herself astride V.
“Do you like your friend watching?” she asks him, her attention now on him.
V nods, his hands coming up to her hips, but she pushes them down.
“No touching.” Her gaze comes to mine. “Do you want to watch me fuck your friend?”
“Yes,” I manage to get out around the thick desire in my throat. I do want to watch that. I can’t explain it, but I want to watch her fuck V almost as badly as I want it to be me she’s fucking.
She positions V’s cock between her legs, and slowly, she lowers herself down on top of him. V’s groan joins mine as she buries him inside of her, taking his length entirely. Fucking hell.
Her lips part and a tiny gasp escapes past them as she begins to move. “You feel so good inside me,” she breathes, her hips rocking back and forth. “Does my pussy feel good?”
“Yes,” V gasps. His hands are curled into fists at his side, and I know he’s as desperate as I am to touch her.
Her eyes slide to mine. “Do you want to be inside of me too, handsome?”
Fucking hell, my cock is throbbing. I can only nod.
“Come up here,” she says, nodding behind her. On your knees and get between his feet.”
I frown, my gaze dropping to V’s, who looks just as unsure as I feel.
The siren chuckles, her hips still swaying as she fucks him. “I promise, she puffs out between thrusts. “You won’t have to touch him at all.”
Glancing down at V one last time, I take his nod as approval, and before I can think too much on what she’s asking, I too climb up onto that table, positioning myself on my knees behind her. V’s feet are spread apart, providing a space just big enough for me to fit.
Her head turns and her eyes flash with wicked excitement as she grins and says, “You take me from behind.”
I’m dead. Dead and gone to heaven.
This dream woman has single-handedly broken me down to an obedient slave and as she fucks another man, her ass comes toward me until the tip of my cock hits the ring of tight muscle there.
I lean back as far as I can, watching as her pussy takes V, and her ass slowly swallows my shaft in a grip so tight, I know I’m not going to last long.
A satisfied smile takes over her face and she drops her head back, resting it on my shoulder. Her long red fingernails dig into V’s belly, and that’s when she proceeds to blow both of our minds.