Page 4 of Owned By the Mafia
“Yes, but you do love bossing people around. I know that much.” She grins. “I have something in mind for you. Something completely different. Something that will not only challenge you but be of great service to me and the family.” Katya leans forward.
“Katya,” I lean forward as well, “you know very well I am happy to assist in any position you want me to.”
We wait while the waitress puts down the food. We start to eat as Katya continues to explain the job. “You see, there are problems the family is having considering the merges we’ve made, especially recently to the Irish families.”
“I’m not surprised,” I say. “The Irish are the rowdiest bunch around. Even more so than us Russians.”
“I want to promote you to manage security. For all three families. Keep the soldiers in check and balanced because the Irish are struggling to keep them under control. We need them to learn to trust each other. Although the families have merged in the upper ranks, the lower ranks are still squabbling, and it’s bound to lead to some nasty repercussions.”
“I won’t lie; a leadership role sounds great. I’ve missed coordinating people and giving instructions.” I smile as I have some of my bacon.
“It comes with a bigger paycheck, a new house, and a new car.” She says this as though these are the things that will sell me on the job.
“Unfortunately, this does mean you’ll have to work alongside one of the Irish brothers. I can’t remember which one, but I’ll get that information for you. Your office will now be in the East Village, so it’s a more neutral location, and as for your current position, I think your assistant, Privanka, should be up to the task of taking over.” She looks at me, waiting for an answer.
A cold shiver runs down my back at the mention of one of the brothers, but I hide it well. “I love the East Side, and Privanka will do an excellent job. She’s the only one I’d trust to do it at any rate.”
“Good because then we don’t have to go through the process of training anyone.” Katya smiles and sips her coffee.
Between all the chatting, we’ve finished breakfast, and we both relax a little, full and content—except for my apprehension of the brothers.
“I know you’re the best person for this position, Dina.” Katya looks into my eyes. “I know you won’t take their bullshit, anyone's bullshit. I know what you went through was intimidating, and I still don’t know why you never told us what Irish guy stalked you so we could deal with it. But you are strong, and you can kick ass.” She gives me a warm smile. “Especially since you’re not a twenty-something-year-old little girl anymore.”
“No, now I’m a young recluse who hates people and prefers the company of cats.” We both laugh and settle down again.
Katya rummages through her purse and pulls out a set of keys. “Before I forget.”
She hands the set of keys over and then gives me a piece of paper. “This is your new address. I hope you like the house I’ve picked out for you. It will be registered under your name, not the family's. So it’s yours in all ways. Let me know if I missed anything.” She grins and stands up. “I do have to go, though. I promised the twins we would go horse riding this afternoon.”
I stand out of respect and to hug my friend. “Thank you for trusting me with this. I won’t let you down.”
“I know you won’t. That’s why I chose you.” Her confidence in me knows no bounds, and I leave shortly after her.
I sit in my car, mulling over Katya’s words. I’m confident I can do the work—I am good at what I do—but I will have to deal with some of my past issues, which might be tricky.
I sigh and look for something to distract myself. I notice my fist is still clenched around the paper Katya gave me, and I carefully unfold it. After staring at the address on the note for a moment, the location registers in my brain. They bought me a house where? Now, I’m too excited to do anything other than see my new home.
It takes a while to drive there, and when I reach the gates, I take out the keys. There’s a clicker, and I press it. The gates swing open effortlessly, and I drive through. The gates close automatically, and I wind up the curving driveway to what I can only describe as a small mansion.
I park and get out. I squeal and give a slight jump up and down before I rush to the door to unlock it. When I walk in, my mouth drops open in awe.
It isn’t the first time I’ve been gifted a place to stay by the family, but this is definitely the grandest they’ve ever bestowed upon me.
I make my way through the place slowly and realize there are a lot of modern appliances and luxuries that I don’t have at my old home. The kitchen is so fancy, which I love because I truly enjoy cooking and baking.
If I’ve gotten this as a home, then the position must be significant, and this excites me. I hardly even care that I have to work with an Irishman. I mean, I’m not a naive little girl anymore being stalked by an obsessed psycho. I’m a woman, a dangerous one at that. I can take care of myself. I didn’t just sit idly by these years and play the victim. I learned self-defense, to shoot, to kill, and to do it well.
If this Irish guy wants to take me on, he will have a lot to answer for because my loyalty to Katya knows no bounds, and I will do anything for her, even go to war for her.
I give a little twirl in the living room and flop to sit in the deep cushions of my new sofa. It’s so luxurious that I sink right in, and I picture napping here some afternoons.
The room is perfect for it, with the sun streaming through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The room is warm, both in temperature and decor.
I sigh and rest back for a moment. I know I need to go back to work and get everything sorted, but sometimes, it’s nice to take a little kickback and relax.
I picture the Irishman who caused me so much trouble in my past and pursed my lips.
He was trouble I never should have gotten into. If I had known what I know about him now before meeting him, I would have run miles away or put a bullet through his head before he could so much as introduce himself to me.