Page 17 of Orange Mountain
Lov smirked. There was a glint in his eyes that I don’t like. “Sure,” he drawled. He drew a canister from his backpack. The canister looked almost flat. He shook it letting me know it’s not full. Now it was my turn to wet my lips. I was so thirsty. What does he want?
“First, you need to answer my questions,” he said while he uncorked the water bottle and drank from it. Eww. Do I even want to drink fromthat? I expected the water to be salty so maybe that will wash away some of the bacteria?
When he just continued to look at me with a smirk on his face, I gave in and asked, “What?”
He smiled. His crooked teeth on full display. “Nothing to worry. Just some simple questions. I know you came from another planet. Really, I don’t understand why other galaxies don’t have tails.” He shuddered. To further highlight his point, he used his tail to grab the water bottle or more like flask, while he placed his hands inside his pockets. One of his hands drew something out. “Here, so you know that nothing’s recorded or anything. I’ll turn this off.”
The thing on his hand looked like a very small gadget. It looked like a round black rock. I glanced at Lov. No. I don't trust him. There is no way for me to know if he has any other recording gadgets. I may be an alien on this planet, but I wasn't born yesterday.
When he leaned and moved closer to my face, I took a deliberate step back which he did not miss. I seem to amuse him.
"I just want to tell you that tainted blood runs in Zirc's," he shared then moved back and placed his arms in front of his chest. He stared at the distance and talked as if I wasn't there. "It's fascinating that I smelled Zirc on you. Though I really shouldn't be surprised. His parents were killed when they fucked with that alien female.”
Alien female? What alien female?
“No, that's not right.” He mumbled some more while I stood aghast.
First, Zirc is so well known on this planet he’s like a celebrity. Or a boogeyman if they are so scared of his Silver Beast. Second, from what I can tell from this guy’s tone, Zirc’s parents are -
“- That’s right,” Lov suddenly said. “They tried to mate with that alien female.” He shuddered as if that was so taboo he won’t be caught mating with females from another planet. He looked at me from head to toe. Now it’s me who shuddered from repulsion. “Of course, it doesn’t stop me from looking and sampling females.” When he swiped his tongue against his lower lip, I deliberately took a step back. Did he know I’m a female or he just like to fuck around other people?
“So, what is it? Zirc mated you or something? First Coone. Then you.” He pointed at my chest.
I cursed. There’s an outward sign that Coone mated me as I now have a tattoo design that matches his and Zirc’s. It looked like for manasties, they can tell one is mated to another by smell alone. I wonder how I smelled to them.
Looking down, I saw Scarface and LM stopped outside a warehouse. There were more warehouses, even some third floor buildings surrounding it. Instead of answering Lov, I hurriedly walked away.
That did not stop him from talking again. “No use ignoring me, lad.”
Lad. So he still thinks I’m a female or he’s just bluffing.
“We can tell that you are mated with Zirc. Those who knew him,” he chuckled. “Well, almost everyone knows him on these parts of the planet. You smell so much like him, you should be careful you don’t encounter any of his enemies.”
I remembered his enemy very well. Kilo’s gang. Or maybe all gang members. There are more manasties here with different coloring and mismatched, dirty clothing, I wonder if they are all part of a gang. I know that Kilo’s gang is not the only one.
“I wonder how the Elders will treat him. After all, they had his parents killed to pay for that *sin*. When he mated that neko, they thought he will be killed again. The Council and all alphas rallied that the nekos are beneficial for our survival and made that race extinct. I doubt you’re a neko. If you are, you’re so bald you look kind of disgusting to touch.”
He continued to spew more nonsense but I was beyond caring. And he lies. He said I am disgusting but I can see he lusts after me. No need to dwell on that though. In a few moments, I’ll be rid of his presence. I have a more pressing concern. My heart thumped loudly against my ears. Will the Elders do that? Kill Zirc if they knew he mated a female? Why did I not ask more about his parents. I might be more in danger of getting killed by their authorities than the gang. To be honest, I’m now worried about Zirc.
“Listen here.” He growled. Just when I was about to step out a blind spot, there was a small cliffside blocking us from view of the valley, he took my arm and drag me to the other side of the cliff. My instinct was correct. He wasn’t directing me to the correct path. He dragged me while I kicked and screamed at me. Then he pushed me against a boulder. This side, no one can see us from the main road we were traversing.
“Let me go, you asshole!” I shouted at his face and used both my hands and legs to kick him. Even though he is on the leaner side of the manasties, he still towered over me and he has brute strength.
His eyes looked crazed. Is this guy on drugs? I don’t smell anything from him except his sweat. I don’t blame him. I’m sure I smelled more than him. My stomach growled again.
“But we know you’re not just any lad, right?” he said as if he did not stop talking a while ago. Too bad I wasn’t listening to him. Guess every race has all their crazies. And I’m unfortunate to meet one. “Old Onork kept saying you’re a male, but I know hiscats are only loyal to females. I know you’re a female, *lad*. A hiscat will not defend anyone, especially when it’s injured.”
“You are crazy!” I shouted to his face. Too late, my father told me never called someone crazy, crazy. He was quick to land a blow to the side of my face. My right ear ringed so I can’t hear what he’s shouting about.
When I felt both his hands pawing at the bottom of my tunic, I used all of my body’s strength to throw him off. “Let me go!” I shouted while I hold on to my clothes.
“Only one way to find out if you’re a female. Don’t fight me!” He pushed me hard against the boulder my back hurt. “The others want to know if you’re female. If you are, then it’s possible we can mate with your kind.”
“Why do you care? What does it mean?” I thought to distract him by asking questions at the same time figure out how to escape. Can no one hear us? We were both screaming.
“If we can mate with your kind, this means they will grant us an egg so we can produce children.” He explained as if I’m daft. I sympathize with their plight, I truly do. I touched something in my pocket. The crystal from the old man. I gripped it tightly with my right hand and slowly took it out.
“What? You just want to see if I have the female bits?”