Page 20 of Orange Mountain
“He was entrusted to me,” Scarface’s growled, his voice going deeper.
“Fair enough,” the Red Guard nodded his head towards him. “I will take him to our alphas’ son.”
“The twins?” LM asked. “Are they on this side of the mountain?” He tried to appear casual but even I can tell he was interested to know.
“That’s on a need to know basis,” he answered LM then looked back at Scarface. “I’m on a schedule so hand him over. Now.”
Scarface waited for a heartbeat then let untangled his tail. So the Red Guard was aware of that movement.
“Go,” he said without looking at me. His tone felt dismissive. Yet, I knew better. I wondered why Scarface felt so protective of me?
I took a hesitant step. They did said the Red Guard will take me to Roqs faster. I knew I saw him earlier.
The Red Guard turned around and started to walk when I was only a few steps away. I felt something tapped my shoulder. I turned and saw Scarface, just a foot away from me. LM was already walking away. “Don’t stare at my tail again. It gives me mixed signals.” Then he winked. Winked. At Me.
Good thing he turned his back! My god, I bet my face was so red. Instinctively, I raised my hands soothing my cheeks. I remembered Roqs telling me the same thing about staring at one’s tail and what that entailed. So, he did saw me starting at his tail earlier! Gah! How embarrassing. How ironic that I stared at his tail but it was Lov who attacked me as if he had the right to touch me.
“Hurry up!” the Red Guard shouted without looking back at me. I sighed. I jogged to catch up with him. LM and Scarface were gone. Either they turned around a corner or teleported.
My mind whirled of thoughts about Lov. And Ist. Ist was killed by his comrades. Unlike Ist, Lov tried to hurt me and I killed him.
Stop. Full stop.
I did what I know best. I compartmentalized. It's been what keeping me sane since I got abducted by aliens. Otherwise, I'll be obsessing my weakness and worry about things I cannot control. This is the only way for me to operate for now without thinking I just murdered someone. Even if it was an accident. Or was it? My thought was to hurt him.
Stop it Brynn!
I will not go down this rabbit hole.
The Red Guard
“Your high-”
Right on time, Sim motioned for the server to stop with the name dropping. Of all the places we had to meet, Roqs, that Silver bastard, chose this place. The owners of this building used to serve the royal family of the Purple Tribe. They even named this, the Royal Residence. We are called Royals. The only tribe on the planet that used the term, when of my forefathers was enamored by the Royal Queen of Arkun. Since then, he adopted some of their style. The only thing he couldn’t do was produced more heirs.
Half of the servers here used to work in the Central. Those who didn’t were quickly informed of the situation by telling them who we are.
Right now, we were trying to be discreet. We were looking for any signs about an impending attack on our Tribe. The ruling alphas of the Purple Tribe became too complacent. It’s up to me and Sim to protect the tribe. Our cover was to bargain for more supplies.
My “twin”, Sim, mirrored my face. Beneath a mask I wore on my face, our lips were turned downwards. Manasties rarely saw us smile. Then again, they fear us when we smile. Why am I wearing a mask? Because of this damn allergy I got every single time I go up above the mountains. Only my eyes were showing but they mirror Sim’s. Damn allergies. My parents said I most likely got this from the female egg donor’s genes.
“We need to get out here now,” Sim growled at Roqs, who is the epitome of a bored alpha. We knew him way back, the only alpha who was near our age. He was the youngest to be called an alpha in the history of Manasties, considering his alpha parents were still alive. I guess, it came with perks. He could travel all around the planet for all he wanted. The Silver Tribe would not fall apart.
Because I knew him, I could see the telltale signs that he was agitated. The tip of his tail gripped one of his chair’s legs. If he wasn’t careful, he would break it. Yesterday, he looked shocked. We knew he and Coone were looking for someone and could decipher from their conversation that he saw whoever they were looking for but lost him. What was more shocking to me was Zirc was nowhere to be found. These two needed Zirc like they needed air. What the hell was going on?
“Kru’hNim.” It was the only honorific that me and Sim allowed when we are with others in our group. Personally, I only want to be called by name. Sadly, I was born in the Purple Tribe. The only tribe on the planet who were stickler about honorifics, being proper, and respect. I envy our friends, especially Roqs. Even though he was an alpha, we can call him simply Roqs.
I merely arched any eyebrow at Axad. In his own right, he should be an elite, a Royal. He was the only son of the Blue Tribe alphas. Instead of enjoying the richness of his tribe, he opted to travel around the world with Zirc and Roqs. I thought they were a triad like my cousin, Crix and his mates. Or even a very close friends with sexual benefits, the same arrangement we had Zirc and Roqs. It took a long time for Coone to come around that we were a package deal. This was how we form relationships and close bond with fellow manasties. It was a convenient excuse so that Sim and I could hid behind a dark truth no one on the planet should know about.
“I will call you however I want,” Axad grumbled. He gingerly took a seat beside me. “We could not find him.”
I knew whohemeant. I leaned back on my chair and waited for him to continue.