Page 3 of Orange Mountain
A strong breeze entered from somewhere and lifted some of the fabric. It moved the pile, including the metal grey fabric. Beneath it, the yellow-orange combination shone against the damp and dark atmosphere in the room.
Ugh. They are rubbing off me.
I took a deep breath. In and -
I tried not to gag from some of the disgusting smell around me.
A door banged and in came Ist’s… brother. Not a twin because this guy looks bulkier, taller and a lot meaner. But they have the same blue hue and pattern on the small hair of his skin. Small furs. A tremor ran through my body and I hope it did not show.
He headed straight for me.
“Here.” Without looking down, he pressed an imaginary button somewhere because the bars near my knees cleared. He tossed what looked like a brown bag. As soon as it landed, the bars went back up.
“I don’t know why we need to feed you,” he muttered more to himself. “He better come get you so I can gut him then I will slowly hack you to pieces.”
Like a classic murder scene, he brandished a long knife. Well, I guess I should be glad it wasn’t a chainsaw, right?
He chuckled. “Good, you’re afraid. I will enjoy hearing you scream.”
He turned and went away. I’m so glad he did not stay around. I don’t like him. I refused to think also what happened from the time I was kidnapped to when I woke up in this cell. I huddled in the corner of my cage and rubbed my hands to my arms. I’m so cold and shivering. I should probably have asked for one of those fabrics to warm me. I positively feel nothing happened. It might have been a good thing he knocked me out with drugs. It’s been some time since I woke up and I don’t feel anything that will make me think I was abused. Some scrapes.
Just then, the door at the far side swished open. Two manasties with grungy looking fur entered. I can’t tell if it was yesterday or just hours before. It’s hard to tell time.
“That one is still here,” I saw the one at the left dressed in short sleeves. He has very dark fur, can’t tell if it’s dark blue or gray blue. “You would think he should dispose of it by now.”
He was looking in my general direction. I can’t tell if he’s referring to me or the dying animal a few feet away from me.
The other guy with a very nasty scar just grumbled and did not say a word. He had a weird green pattern on his fur, skin, whatever. I could see it on the visible part of his body. His arms, neck and face. Looked almost like an abstract whereas from the silver, blue and white manasties that I saw, not similar but all of them are long and swirly. Like vines. This scarred manasty’s tribal pattern looked almost like a Celtic design. He just stacked some boxes and added some bundle of cloth then both and the other guy went out. This time, I tried to notice how they can go out of the door. Their arms are full so I doubt they pushed something on the wall so they can go out.
I need to get out of here. I can’t wait for Zirc, Coone, Roqs or anyone to rescue me this time.
The two went back again. I learned from the mouthy guy that they are smugglers. The things here are contraband. I made myself smaller so they don’t notice me. When they leave, I crawl up a bit to see if the way they can go out has changed.
On their fourth trip inside, there were less noise. I noticed the mouthy guy seemed to be searching for something. I doubt all things are catalogued in this dump. When he stopped on the cage of the barely mewling animal, my heart stopped.
No! They can’t possible take it away!
Somebody must have heard my prayers because Scarface knocked him on the head.
“This one is worth millions! Don’t tell me you -“
Whatever he saw on the other guy’s face scared him. He quivered a little, shoulders dropped and dragged his feet away from the animal.
I heard them rummaging again farther away from me. This time they took longer. I am both hungry and tired. It’s hard to tell how long without a watch. There is not even any window to tell the environment outside.
The pool of water looked mesmerizing to my eyes. I’m feeling sleepy.
“What do you think that is?”
I screamed bloody murder and took myself away from my corner to the opposite side. My cage did not rattle but one of my arms went out. Some cloth tumble to the ground.
Heart thudding a hundred miles per minute, I saw the mouthy guy backed away real fast from Scarface. The latter just stood there, hands akimbo, his grey tail agitated.
“What are you doing?” The mouthy guy hissed.