Page 39 of Orange Mountain
"Kru'h," Tits waited for me. I grabbed the back of Sim's head and placed my lips on top of his.
Then I let him go and followed Coone and Brynn making their way out of this ship. It hit the ground earlier when it tilted on the side. Tits followed behind me.
Coone looked back. He understood when he noticed Roqs and Sim were not with me.
Sim was a decent fighter. At least three Red guards will be with them. The other two, including Clitasoxdfwe’h, Xy's second in command. I would have felt better if he was with Sim.
We were quiet as we escaped the damaged ship. Smoke billowed on both ends. Those bastards blew away a quarter of our ship. Who would dare attack a Purple Tribe elite ship?
"You are hurt," I bit out at the same time Brynn gasped. There was a large wound on Coone's left thigh. When he saw it, his steps wobbled. I belatedly realized he was walking on pure adrenaline.
"We have no time," Clitasoxdfwe’h took a grim look at Coone. "The faster we can go on the other side of this cliff, the better. '
Coone knew it as well and walked as if he wasn’t injured. Tits saw and while we walked, applied a healing wand. " Looks like there's no open vein. Just torn muscle, " he said. Trust Xy to find a guide with medical capabilities.
I saw Brynn was worried. She took Coone's other side.
My swords were at the ready. My beast just a hair breath away from escaping. Mine, and the 2 Red guards had our beasts' eyes to heighten our vision. Me and the other Red guard trailer behind them. Clitasoxdfwe’h leads us.
Faster than we could react, a blue manasty appeared on the right. It took maybe a half second but I knew it was half a second too late to protect Brynn.
We were so shocked by what happened next. Even the enemies stood still around us.
Brynn let out the fiercest war cry I ever heard in my entire life. My small furs rippled and stood up on ends. In a blink, her blanket fell away and her hands looked embedded in her attacker's gut. A short sword, the one on Coone's hips, protruded outwards on the back of the blue manasty. He knew he was dead. This sword has clear crystals in it.
"STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" she screamed at the enemy. Her eyes were livid as if her eyes would emit fires that could incinerate her enemy.
Two things I realized then. One, the enemy was trying to grab Coone. They really thought it was him who was immune to the Shura.
Second, I fell in love with my ferocious tiny mate. I never should have doubted my feelings towards her.
She looked glorious!
Sim would die of envy if he knew how stunningly beautiful she looked right now. Her eyes looked more amber than brown. Her brunette hair flew from her face, cheeks smeared with specks of blood. Her hands fisted tightly on the pommel of the sword, bloody from her enemy’s blood. All of this I took on in seconds but it felt like a lifetime has passed. Sim was the poet between us. At this moment, I understood why my life had been this way. Why I wasn’t born to have the diplomacy of an alpha. I was born to maim and kill whoever dared to touch a strand of her hair. Too bad the enemy in front of her, sure enough, scatted to the winds in ashes.
“Behind you!” Tits shouted at me.
Tits shouldn’t have bothered. I slashed at the enemies with my long and broad swords without taking my eyes off Brynn. My mind and beast were fully aware of the dangers. Each slash of my sword brought me closer to Brynn. I was mesmerized.
“Quit playing and finish them,” Coone gasped. He was fighting and shielding Brynn.
I sighed. These were not members of Kilo’s gang. They were too weak. Even the ones who transformed to their beasts were easily beaten by Tits.Tits!
Coone caught Brynn when her adrenaline wore off. My mate was in shock. I ran and slid the last few feet to catch Coone with Brynn in his arms. Coone cried out.
“Coone!” Brynn snapped out from her shock and stood up to inspect him. Before I could touch any part of her, sounds whirred. When things materialized, Winox of all shapes and sizes appeared. I recognized their uniforms.
The cavalry has arrived.
“Kru’h Nim,” Clitasoxdfwe’h kneeled on one knee in front of me. “We must secure you now. We will handle the clean-up.”
I nodded. I helped Coone to stand up. One of the uniformed manasty moved forward. His rank denoted he was a transporter. I touched his arm. “Wait,” I ordered. “Take us to Yuzer.”
The transporter nodded and obeyed without questions. I was sure they thought to bring us to the Central immediately. The attack did not felt right so I wanted to regroup first. I felt the queasy sensation. The next, we found ourselves in front of Yuzer’s house.
“Brynn, easy,” I caught her in my arms while I used my tail to hold up Coone. He looked very pale. I signaled the transporter to take Coone to the med bay, I would deal with his wrath later. He snarled at me before vanishing.