Page 42 of Orange Mountain
I snorted. “Who are you talking to?”
Yuzer rolled his eyes to the heavens. I laughed. Too bad I was tall enough now. When I was smaller, he would ruffle my hair right about now.
“Oh no!” Brynn gasped and stood up. “We’re so sorry. We are ruining your home. There’s blood on your sofa.”
“Relax Brynn,” Sim reassured her. We all stood up when she stood up.
Yuzer raised both eyebrows at that. There was something in his eyes that I couldn’t read but I was too busy ogling Brynn. Again.
Roqs sighed and went to Yuzer. He slightly bowed his head and I saw Yuzer went slightly pink. He always thought he wasn’t someone to be respected. That he would always be a servant. Roqs was intelligent enough to know that Yuzer wasn’t just any servant.
“We will need to make use of your secured communication so we could get in touch with Axad and Xy at Central. And contact Zirc,” Roqs requested. He could have demanded it from Yuzer. This was why Roqs was different. Most alphas, me, Sim and Zirc included, would demand things. Roqs was very patient. Zirc will just beat the crap out of his enemies. Roqs took pleasure in torturing an enemy first before beating him up. I bet it took all of his will power to concede and let Clitasoxdfwe’h took over the prisoners for questioning.
“This way.” Though I know my way around, his assistant guided us downstairs. I looked at Yuzer’s eyes before we took the stairs. This was another reminder of how old he became. Even though he has an elevator in his home, he would rather just stay on the ground level.
Sim wrapped his tail around my hips. He knew how I felt about Yuzer. If I don’t know him, he felt the same about him. We grew up with his teachings, always yelling at us. Soothing us when the punishments became too harsh. Mending us when we were hurt.
“Okay, listen up,” Coone growled. We had reach the bathing cave of this house. Steam went up from the bathing pools, there were four in total. Each pool can accommodate 10 manasties at a time.
The assistant went away discreetly.
Sim and I put our arms in front of our chest and widened our stance. We stood side by side, our shoulders touching.
Roqs chuckled on the side as he started to strip naked. “This should be interesting,” he said. Brynn’s eyes were big as she alternate staring at us, then Coone, then back to us.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
“Yeah, Coone,” Sim teased. “Why don’t you tell Brynn what’s about to happen now?” His voice took a deeper tone at the end, letting his beast’s voice out. I don’t dare tease him. I was the same.
Water splashed. Brynn turned and saw Roqs splashed water to his face and rubbed his arms to wash off.
“It’s onhisterms,” Coone warned us.
As one, we stared at Brynn. Her eyes rounded.
“What?” she squeaked. I wondered what she saw in us to speak like that.
“Do you feel a pull towards them?” Coone asked her.
“You heard me,” Coone insisted.
I scowled at him. Sim was about to tell him to watch his mouth about our mate but Coone said, “They want to fuck you.”
I cleared my throat. That was direct. We waited patiently for Brynn’s answer. It doesn’t help that she looked below our navel. Our cocks were pointing straight at her, even though our cocks were still in our tunics. Our bloody tunics.
“Is this a requirement?” she asked with an alarm in her voice.
“Hey,” Sim moved forward the same time I did. When she moved backward, we stopped.
“If you don’t want us,” I stopped. I couldn’t continue. What if she doesn’t want us?
She bit her lip. “I - ah. Isn’t this all too soon?”
Roqs laughed. “Nothing is too soon, sweetheart. Do you remember how we met the first time?”
Sim and I growled at him. Me? Jealous of fucking Roqs?