Page 45 of Orange Mountain
“Brynn!” Nim said in a high pitched voice. I squealed. Shit. He was really big. I felt the bump and he wasn’t inside me fully. Yet. His eyes were dilated with desire. He seemed shocked by the sensations of being inside me.
Something was missing though.
“Sim,” I purred and looked back at him. He and Coone frowned at me. “Try.” I could only afford to utter one word at a time. “Please.”
Coone wanted to protest, but I smiled at him. Sim moved forward so I looked back at Nim and placed my hands on his shoulders to brace myself. Sim poked my back opening and I moved forward. “No.”
“Brynn,” Coone and Roqs protested at the same time.
“Yes.” I countered. Sim saw something in my eyes and he nodded.
“I’ll be careful,” Sim promised. Coone growled while Roqs stayed vigilant. He had his hand wrapped around Sim’s upper arm.
Call me crazy, but yes, I wanted them both inside me. I couldn’t explain it. My eyes told Sim to hurry, like I was chasing a high that I haven’t found yet.
I felt the tip of Sim’s cock pushed lightly forward, then back. I mewled. “Yes,” I sighed, when I felt his head entered mine. Both his and Nim’s cocks were producing too much lubricant. If we were on a bed, everything would be too wet. But their natural lubricant allowed them to move in and out of me. I could feel every bump of their cock heads inside my vaginal walls, and when they passed each other.
“Fuck, Nim, I can’t -” Sim was trembling behind me. He placed one arm around my waist, the other below my breast. Nim looked almost ready to pass out below us. His face was pure bliss.
“Sim,” he urged.
Sim controlled our bodies’ movement. I could feel Roqs and Coone’s presence beside me. But all I could hear, feel, smell and taste were Nim and Sim.
Something small poked inside me. Deeper than their cock head.
“What?” I jolted. “What was that? Shit!” I orgasmed. The small filament thing brushed against my cervix or g-spot, whatever you call it. I probably convulsed, my eyes rolling behind my eyes.
“The fuck?” Coone shouted but he sounded far away.
“Sim, pull back,” Nim hissed. All I could hear from Sim were grunts and groans. How could Nim still talk when I was strangling both their cocks?
“Oh shit!” Nim exclaimed. Come exploded inside me. “Sim!” he shouted, voice hoarse. I felt it then. There was that thin filament again seeking something. Two of them. One went towards Sim’s cock, pumping come inside it. The other joined the other one on the same spot, most likely my cervix opening. It was like my body knew what was happening and happily opened up to these two filament that was getting larger in size. Almost like two small cocks.
When these two small cocks attached to my cervix and pumped out come, my body convulsed. So did Nim and Sim.
“Shit, I got them,” Roqs said urgently.
“What the fuck is happening with them?” Coone shouted.
Roqs remained silent.
“You better tell me what the hell is going on Roqs or I will put a bullet in your head like I promised the first time I saw you,” Coone threatened.
Pleasure and pain like I’ve never felt before coursed throughout my body. It felt euphoric. My body orgasmed as Nim and Sim continued to move their cock inside me. We couldn’t help it.
“They are mating,” Roqs said. I almost missed it because the feeling was too great.
“Of course they are. Do you not see them joined at the hip?” Coone said sarcastically.
“You don’t understand. They are mating, Coone.Mating. As in, these what happens when a triad mate with one another. You weren’t there when Zirc and I saw Crix, Jigen and Volks.”
“Shit. How long are they going to stay like this?”
Roqs sighed. “For as long as their body wanted. Try to remove them now and either Sim or Nim’s beast will shred you to pieces. Zirc thought Crix and Jigen were killing Volks so he had this bright idea of separating them. Good thing I was there.”
It was Coone who sighed this time. “Fuck.”
“Fuck is the correct thing to say. Get ready. They will need us.”