Page 20 of Reckless Goals
“What was me?” I asked as Rhys backed away toward the door. It was like he was looking for an escape, but curiosity was keeping him close.
“You were talking to Colin after this game, I saw you.”
My heartbeat had barely evened out from the way he had been touching me when it picked back up again.He remembered seeing me.
When I had spotted Coach in the stands, I made a point to go say hello and thank him for the tickets. But then I locked eyes with Rhys, and for a moment, I couldn’t look away. I never understood what happened, or why that moment felt so intense, but I practically ran from the stadium to my car, needing to catch my breath.
“Your eyes,” Rhys said, bringing me back to the moment. “I will never forget those gorgeous eyes.”
Blushing seemed to be all I could manage and I tilted my head down to try and hide what his words were doing to me. Somehow, those words hit deeper than when his hands were on me. It was as if we hadn’t just met, and had known each other for months.
“That shade of red on your cheeks, it is the only color that rivals the green in your eyes,” he added before opening the door behind him. “I’m gonna get your bag from my trunk.”
His escape gave me a minute to take in what he’d said, making me feel entirely too many emotions at once.
“Everyone has a crush on him,” I told myself. “You're not any different. Just don't act like Rachel.”
I finished my self-pep talk before the door opened again, thankful I’d spared myself being the crazy one.
The few minutes it took him to get my bag also seemed to do him good, since he came back sporting what looked like a half-smile. instead of the haunted look he’d had before.
“I got a text from Colin,” he explained. “He wants me to update him all weekend about everything we do.”
“See?” I started to stand, but the weight on my ankle made me hiss in pain. Rhys cut across the small room and sat me back down. “Now we are big liars.”
“We won’t lie,” he smirked, moving some of my dark hair from my face. “Sorta. I’ll pick you up at ten in the morning. Be ready.”
“I cannot practice on this ankle. Not with you, at your speed.”
“Colin wants me to help you focus. Doesn’t mean it has to be on soccer.”
He wasn't looking at me anymore, he was walking around and fixing my apartment so that I had something to hold onto when I walked myself around later. He even created a place to elevate my leg in my bed. Then he grabbed his phone and clicked on it a few times before holding it up and showing me that he’d ordered a Cuban sandwich from the place up the road, and was having it delivered.
“You’re all set,” he nodded with a straight smile. “Be careful on that foot tonight. Call me if you need anything.”
Then he was gone, and I was still sitting there trying to figure out what the hell had happened, when the knock on the door came. I hobbled over, using the chair Rhys had put halfway between my bed and door to stabilize my walk.
The delivery guy held up the food with a smile when I opened the door. “Late dinner is served.”
“Thank you,” I grabbed the food and placed it on the counter in the kitchenette before turning back to the door. “Let me get a tip.”
“You left the tip on the order, ma’am. Very generous, thank you.”
He was gone as quickly as he came, and I shook my head in disbelief. Rhys ordered me dinner, left the tip, carried me, rubbed my shins, iced my ankle, called my eyes gorgeous, and told me he liked the color of my cheeks when I blushed.
“What the hell is happening right now?”
* * *
“It's just a sprain and it already feels better this morning.” I was applying a little mascara while I talked to Erin so I didn’t look as tired as I felt.
“Hunter is going to lose his shit,” she said for the fifteenth time.
“Just remember not to tell anyone I sprained my ankle. I don't know what Rhys has up his sleeve but he definitely didn't tell Coach.”
“So if you aren't going to practice, what are you doing all weekend?”
“I have no idea. Some part of me feels like I need to tell Rhys no, that I am going to go to practice like a good girl.”