Page 28 of Reckless Goals
Practice tomorrow at 7
He wasn’t exactly sending me warm and fuzzy vibes, so my short response seemed valid.
Bring a change of clothes.
Wait! Why?
Because we are going to learn to focus tomorrow.
My heart started racing thinking about what he could have meant. Focus on what? I didn't need a change of clothes to focus on soccer.
Dammit, I should have said ‘Hell no,’ but I was way too curious and as long as I remembered Rhys was just a friend, spending time with him wasn't hard. It only got hard when we made it awkward, and there wasn’t a chance we would make that same ‘almost’ mistake. Right?
Feel better?
Yes. Sorry about that, by the way.
You don’t have to apologize.
Did you have a good weekend?
Yep. You?
Sure?Sure wasn’t an answer.
Ankle feels okay?
Yeah, full range. I’m all better.
Good. Now Colin won’t kill me.
Did you send him the pics?
Surprisingly, he didn’t ask for any. So I didn’t even send them.
A sigh of relief escaped and I relaxed farther into the pillow behind my head. It made me feel a little better that Rhys didn’t have to send pictures to keep up the ruse. But another thought crept in. I had to face Hunter, and I’d lie through my teeth to him with no issues. Especially if he gave me any issues about missing practice.
Send me a pic in case Hunter asks.
*image sent*
Night Ash.
I opened the file he sent and saved it to the pictures on my phone. The redness of my face and his angle made it look like we really were scrimmaging on the field. But that was not what was happening.
In the picture, you couldn't see Rhys’ face, but I knew his mouth was moving and saying all sorts of things to create that look on my face. Things I wished, at the time, were real.
* * *