Page 36 of Reckless Goals
An animalistic grunt fell from his lips each time he pushed back inside of me. Then he stilled, and his deep moan of pleasure was better than any sound I could ever imagine. I could tell he was spilling himself inside of me and my only regret was not being able to see his face as he came.
When he pulled out of me, I fell to the bed and curled into myself, unsure if I was okay, or not. My body seemed pliant and satisfied, but my brain was scared. I wanted to cry from being so wrecked, but I also wanted to run away and hide.
“I better go,” I suggested, thinking Rhys was probably wanting me to leave. There was no need to make things more confusing for either of us.
“The fuck you are.” He laid next to me, having disposed of his condom somehow. He pulled me closer to him, trapping me in his grasp, and covered me with his silk sheet. “Close your eyes.”
I didn't want to leave, I just thought I should, but I took my cues from him and closed my eyes. Comfort, along with the lack of responsibility and my body being weak, made me fall asleep quickly.
* * *
When I stirred awake, I was alone and the clock on his nightstand read two o’clock in the morning.
“Fuck,” I pushed from the bed, looking for my clothes and remembering I left them outside. My bag was out in the living room as well, so I wrapped the sheet around me and went in search of something to put on and my phone to call for a rideshare.
When I walked into the living room, I stopped short and froze when I realized Rhys was standing by the window looking out toward the South Beach skyline. It was dark, but the moon lit up the room enough for me to see he was shirtless with gray capri sweatpants hanging low on his waist.
He brought a drink to his lips and took a sip then turned to see me standing there watching him. I pulled the sheet tighter and started looking around the floor for my bag, not sure what else to do.
“Did I wake you up?” he asked, staying put by the window.
“No, I was just…” I walked closer to where my bag was and reached down to get it, showing him what I needed.
“What time are your classes tomorrow?”
“Nine and eleven.”
“Then go back to bed. I’ll get you up at seven and take you home.”
I snorted and looked up at him, seeing if he was serious. His face was unlike the happy-go-lucky Rhys he showed me most of the time. He was stone, and thoughtful. Something was on his mind and instead of worrying that it was regret over us having sex, I shook my head.
“Just once,” I whispered to myself as I turned and made my way to the bedroom to change. “Just freaking once.”
Ifell asleep with Ash, but woke up a few hours later feeling like I had slept for days. I hadn’t slept that hard in months. Either the intense sex exhausted me, or it was the girl I had with me making me feel so content. Fearing I would wake her up, I eased from the bed, thinking a drink may lull me back to sleep.
But as I stood there looking out the window, my mind drifted to Melanie, and the way my finger had hovered over the call button as I sat in the park came flashing back.
A call I didn’t make.
I wasn’t ready, or I didn’t want to. I still wasn’t sure which. Despite how much I loved her, she hurt me. Led me on. Then took back everything we talked about, and planned, in a fucking text.
Why did I still think about her? Ash was in my bed, fully fucked, and I had never felt more like a man than I did when I made her come. I should have been contemplating more ways to do just that, but Mel crept back into my thoughts and I couldn’t go back to bed until I let those thoughts go.
When I tipped my drink up for a sip, I saw Ash’s reflection in the window. Then I turned and saw her wrapped in my sheet, and I had to mentally glue my feet to the floor to keep from scaring her. I wanted to run toward her and fuck her again, use her body to make me forget all the thoughts of Mel, once and for all.
Ash looked unsure, lost. Her eyes were scanning the room, and when she raised her bag in the air, I knew she planned on leaving.
“Just once,” I heard her whisper when she turned toward the bedroom. “Just freaking once.”
No way.
Three long strides and I caught her, grabbing her by the elbow and pulling her back to my chest. I threw her bag back to the floor and ran my nose up her neck and behind her ear.
“Don’t leave.”