Page 90 of Reckless Goals
I was just thankful he agreed that Ash was important to Mia, and he never minded her coming to our house. He knew when it came down to it, I would risk my life to save Mia’s. Without question.
“Hey pretty girls,” I hollered, walking toward them under the tree that shaded the swing.
Ash turned around and smiled, while Mia made noises as she started to slow down. I reached for her and flew her through the air, soaking in her smile. Then I leaned over and kissed Ash, while I settled Mia onto my hip.
“How was practice?” Ash asked.
“Off season practice is hard. I’m getting too old for this.”
“My poor old man,” she teased, rubbing the small of my back. I cut my eyes to her and she laughed, then took Mia from my arms and started walking inside. “Come in, I’ll make some dinner. You and Mia can share mashed potatoes and smashed peas.”
“Ha, ha,” I grumbled, then grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into me. “You weren’t teasing me about how old I am last night. I believe you were begging me to ease up.”
She covered Mia’s ears even though Mia had no idea what we were talking about and laughed again. “Your cock was like having a steel rod splitting me open, and you spanked me like you were my daddy.”
“Mmm, I can’t help myself. I love seeing your skin turn pink and flush.”
I nuzzled my nose into her neck and started to kiss her before Mia took her hand to my hair and pulled, reminding me she was there.
“Reeree,” Mia called me, holding her arms for me to take her. Ash handed her back to me and we walked inside to play while Ash cooked. It was moments like that, with Mia and Ash, when I felt like I was a part of the family I‘d always dreamt of. I never regretted how my life turned and fell into place, but I was thankful for those glimpses Mia provided.
We sat together at the dinner table and ate, while Ash recounted her day at work before picking Mia up. Then I filled her in on practice and how Sandy was thinking of retiring. If he did, Colin was up for the job and we both got excited at the prospect of him coaching in the pros.
“Let me lay Mia down. Don’t move,” Ash said after dinner. Mia’s head was nodding, sleep trying to take over, and Ash made quick work of cleaning her up. She took her to the bath and then laid her down in the temporary crib we put up when Mia was with us.
Meanwhile, I moved and cleaned up the kitchen, then sat in the living room. I was staring at a framed picture on the mantle, the one Cruz took of us that day on the field. He had it framed for our wedding gift as a joke, but joke was on him because I could look at that picture all day, secretly knowing what I was saying to her that made her cheeks so red.
“I told you not to move!” Ash said as her feet hurried down the stairs.
“You wanted me to fuck you on the kitchen table? That’s fine,” I teased, and started to stand from the couch.
“Just sit,” Ash laughed. “I got you a present.”
My brain started scanning the dates, worried I had forgotten our anniversary, but since it was last week, I knew that couldn’t have been it. My birthday wasn’t close either. Yet, Ash pulled a large box from a cabinet near the fireplace and handed it to me.
“I’m going to assume you like it when I spank you.” I licked my lips and nodded toward the gift, making her flush pink again.
“Oh,” she moaned and sat close to me, rubbing her tits on my arm. “I love it when you’re rude and mean, you know that.”
“Do I get a present every time? Because we may go broke.”
She laughed and swatted at my shoulder, then touched the gift. “Just open it.”
I lifted the lid and sifted through the paper until I pulled out a t shirt. Making custom shirts had become our thing, I knew it was for the new season coming up.
“Rhys got a piece.” I read the shirt out loud and laughed, the placement of the words being lower than normal. “A piece of what?”
“Everything. You got a piece of everything. My heart, my body, my ass. But there is another one,” she urged.
I pulled up the smaller shirt and read it out loud, “My daddy is a baddie.”
It took me a minute, because we had just joked about me spanking Ash like I was her daddy. But then I realized the shirt was way too small, tiny. When I lifted it from the box completely, I saw that it wasn’t even a shirt. It was a onesie, like the kind Mia wore when she crawled around the house.
“Not much else that rhymes with daddy,” she shrugged. “But I figured he or she will always think you are a badass.”
“Are you…?” I couldn't even comprehend the possibility that Ash was pregnant. We had talked about seeing a doctor and trying one day, but in the meantime, we weren’t taking precautions, just leaving it up to fate.
“There is a new Peyton that will be kicking me in the stomach.”