Page 68 of Scoreless Nights
Embarrassment for Jackie made me want to throw up. Good for her for trying, I guess, going after what she wanted, but all her self-respect was flying out the door. Was Cruz really into a girl like that? Did he really have a reputation for not caring how, or who, got him off?
“I’m seeing someone,” Cruz repeated. “I’m on the phone with her now.”
He sounded irritated, but I couldn’t help where my mind had gone. Deep down to a place that told me I wasn’t special to him, I was just convenient. With me staying at his place, I was an easy target if he wanted to get laid.
“Well that’ll end soon,” Jackie laughed. “You have my number when you think you can handle me.”
Cruz groaned. The same groan he made when I was touching him, or when he was turned on, and I could picture Jackie touching him. Was he starting to regret that she was my friend? Because I knew that was the only thing stopping him. Jackie was gorgeous. Before he saw me sitting next to her at the game, he was letting her know he was interested.
My heart sank, but I knew that was a dumb emotion to feel. Cruz and I were never going to be more, and Jackie was right without even realizing it, because once I left, Cruz would be back to his normal, playboy ways.
Instead of chatting with him, I decided to hang up. I was close to the restaurant and had to get my fake smile ready. When I pulled in, I saw Cruz’s car up front, not far from Angel’s.
Opening the door, the hostess asked me how many, and I pointed to the corner where Angel and Jackie were talking with a guy I assumed was Deon. Angel was looking for me and started to wave, so I made my way to their table and sat down across from Jackie, next to Angel.
“So how’d it go?” Angel asked. “Are we celebrating?”
“We are,” I nodded, then looked at Deon. “I’m Lillian.”
“Deon,” he waved, “a friend of Jackie’s. Move,” he nudged her playfully to get up from the booth. “I have to get back to work.”
Deon was nothing like I expected. He was handsome, like Cruz, but I expected him to either be annoyed about Jackie’s intentions with his cousin, or more into her than just a nudge. But he seemed content, as if nothing was wrong.
While Jackie got resituated, I glanced around for Cruz, wondering if he made it out the back door yet. But Angel tapped my arm and got my attention.
“Drinks on me!”
“I’m not drinking,” I laughed, holding up my keys to show her why.
“You can crash at our place, we aren’t far.”
That was tempting, since I didn’t want to see Cruz. It’s not that I was mad at him, I just felt a little shame. Everything he said to me, everything we said to each other. It felt like I was just convenient to him, and it sucked to remember that we were what we were, and we always would be.
“One drink,” I decided, knowing it would help me loosen up a little. Surely one drink wouldn’t make it to where I couldn’t drive home.
Angel called for the waitress, who thankfully wasn’t the girl from the other night, and ordered a round of margaritas. Then I went into the details of my job offer, and how they wanted me to start in two weeks.
“So you're turning the first offer down? Wasn’t that the place you wanted most?”
“Yeah but I just got a better vibe at this one. Meshed well with the guy who interviewed me. I think it will be a better fit.” That wasn’t a complete lie, and I relaxed knowing the night wouldn’t be the shitshow I thought it would be.
Cruz was gone.
His mom would cover for me, I knew she would.
And my first sip of my margarita made me feel warm and relaxed.
My phone started ringing, and before I could grab it, Angel looked at the caller ID.
“Oh my god,” I panicked, grabbing the phone from her.
“Who’s Sebastian, and why haven’t we heard of him?” Jackie urged, always wanting the juicy details.
“He’s my…brother.” I cringed when I said the word, but I covered it up with a fake sneeze and sent the call to voicemail.
“You never told me you had a brother,” Angel practically yelled.