Page 74 of Scoreless Nights
Angel looked hesitant but nodded.
“I’m actually staying with Cruz Martin.”
Angel’s mouth dropped open and she shook her head in disbelief. “What?”
“His dad is married to my mom. When I decided to come to Miami, they arranged for me to stay with him.”
“What?” She yelled even louder, making people on the boardwalk look around at us. “You’re joking, right?”
“That was why I was shocked we went to the game, why he was eyeing me funny, why I didn’t want to go up and ask him for a picture when we saw him outside Mangos.”
“Oh. My. God.”
“But,” I held up a hand to keep her from freaking out. “I didn’t want to tell anyone because he’s Cruz, and when I first got here, I wasn’t even sure we would get along. It's not like we grew up together.”
“Is that who called last night?”
“Yeah. After he left our table he went to the kitchen and called me. And he knew I didn’t want Jackie knowing I knew him. So he lied for me, just like he did when he walked away from me at the game that night. I’m so sorry, Angel. I wanted to tell y’all, but then Jackie started bragging about how she was using Deon and I wanted her to like me and—”
“Stop!” She held a hand up, shaking her head in disbelief. “I’m not actually sure I believe you.”
“What?” For some reason, I was laughing, because I thought she was joking.
“This just seems…”
My phone started ringing right as she sighed, unable to finish her thought.
“It's Cruz. Let me get this.” Angel rolled her eyes but waved at hand at me.
“I’m almost home, are you naked?”
My face immediately turned red and Angel noticed, eyeing me as I answered.
“Can you do me a favor?”
“Can I bring Angel to meet you? I mean, I know you met her last night, but I mean, officially meet you. I’m down at the boardwalk with her now.”
He laughed, and dang he sounded sexy. “She finally called you about last night?”
“Yeah, I needed to tell her the truth.”
“Is the other one with her? Not sure I want her to know where I live.”
“No, Jackie isn’t with us.”
“Then of course. Bring her over. But am I allowed to kiss you?”
“Um…” Now my eyes were wide and my mouth was gaping open. Angel tilted her head wondering what had me so flustered, but I could also see the doubt in her eyes.
“I’m joking,” Cruz laughed. “Get your ass home. The sooner we do this, the sooner I can teach you about soccer.”