Page 24 of Twisted Assist
There was no way to tell her that Hunter Ward sent me there. Especially after I spent the entire night telling her how badly I wanted her. Fucking Hunter's girl was definitely not part of the equation.
"You know another Tatum O'Neil? Or were you thinking of the actress?" Her tone was teasing, but the nerves were still there.
Reaching across the table again to take her hand, I shook my head and smiled. "No, none of that, but I'm glad I know you now."
"Give me your phone, Tripp Maddux."
Her use of my entire name made me snort as I pulled my phone from my pocket and handed it to her. She held it up to my face to unlock it and then bit her lip as she typed something in.
When she handed it back, I saw her contact added to my phone labeled Coconut. "Just in case you really do know two Tatum O’Neil’s," she giggled.
"I um…" It was on the top of my tongue to tell her the truth. It would have been the smartest thing to do, but selfishly, I knew she wouldn't want to see me again. Not when I was originally there to help Hunter with his lies. "I have practice tomorrow."
"And I'm a responsible girl that gets to bed early on work nights."
"Shit," I sighed. "I actually find that sexy."
"Getting to bed earlier than my Grandma is sexy? Dang, you're in for a treat when you see what I wear to bed, then."
Her face immediately flushed at her suggestion that I would see her in bed, and I nodded and bit my lip, not making it any easier on her. It didn't matter what her relationship with Hunter was. Even without his weird request, I wouldn't have treated Tatum any differently. Not since she was the woman I met at the Beach Club and had thought about nonstop since then.
"How about you come to my game on Friday?"
Fuck, I was overstepping. Hunter didn't ask me to actually steal his girl. It was just supposed to be once. If he found out, he would be pissed. She was supposed to go home and tell him all about meeting Tripp Maddux. But would she?
Should I care?
Up until the other night, Hunter was nothing but a shitty ex-teammate. Tatum deserved better, and even though I wasn't the relationship kind, the way Hunter apparently was, I needed more time with her, to protect her, and possibly tell her what her boyfriend was up to.
"Really?" She lit up but then almost immediately lowered her shoulders. "I mean, I want to. I just need to check my schedule."
"You mean you need to see if your ex is going to make up for standing you up tonight?"
Shaking her head, I could tell she was embarrassed, but I wouldn't let her off the hook.
"I've said before, it's a really complicated situation," she sighed.
More than you even know.
* * *
How'd it go with Tatum last night?
Did she mention me?
She referred to you as an ex.
She was just saving face. That girl will never leave me.
Did she mention me? Because she was supposed to tell you all about it.
He never answered because his answer was no. Tatum wouldn't tell Hunter anything about our night because, as far as she was concerned, everything we said and did was not something you'd tell an ex.
I had kissed her goodnight so deeply that I was practically apologizing to her with my lips on behalf of mankind. That kiss stayed with me all night, and I ended up fucking my hand to the image of that butter dripping from the conch onto her tongue.
Tossing my phone onto my bed, I entered my closet for my running shoes. The best part about my place was the path running miles along the ocean. It made running an easy way to relieve stress.