Page 5 of Twisted Assist
"Why does she want tickets?"
"You know Dad will leave again soon, she needs something to lure him back."
"She knows I can't just get her tickets. I work for a third party, not for the team, and I'm not covering football at the moment."
"I told her you couldn't, and to not bother you, but she started texting you right in front of me like she didn't hear me at all."
"What were you doing there anyway?" Colton was a student at The University of Miami, the same college Hunter worked at, the one we'd both attended before. He had a full-ride scholarship and a dorm room, but you'd never know since he spent almost every night at my place or home with Mom.
"Mom lured me with the promise of a hot meal last night, then let me fall asleep on the couch like a kid. I snuck out after she fell asleep though, spent some time on the strip with friends, then went back to the dorm."
"Just like when you were a kid," I laughed, thinking of him sneaking out to party. "You know she wishes you were still home. Dad seems to stick around longer when we were living at home."
"I'm thinking about introducing her to my English Professor. He's a good-looking guy, and maybe he could sweep her off her feet."
"Please, she's so obsessed with Dad that it's unhealthy and psychotic. She wouldn't even give your poor professor a chance."
"Well, I guess that is their problem," he sighed. "I'm headed to class, but just a heads up that I'm crashing at your place this weekend."
"No, no you're not. Hunter is coming over." At least, I thought he was.
"Hunter?" Colton scoffed. "That is all the more reason for me to show up. You two need a chaperone. Ew."
"Oh please," I tried blowing him off, not wanting him to know that Hunter hadn't touched me with a ten-foot pole since he'd returned. "I'm a big girl, little brother."
There wasn't much I remembered after I ordered that round of drinks. I wasn't even sure what my tab was, or if I paid it. Fuck, I wasn't even sure where I was.
My head was pounding, and my face was wet, but my eyes wouldn't open. It was clear that I broke the two-drink rule that Cruz had once implemented. No more than two drinks when you're out at the club, or you risk getting too fucked up to make good decisions. But he did, too, so he couldn't give me too much shit.
Oh wait, Cruz wasn't with me.
Hunter was.
My vague memory was almost sure that I had carried Cruz into his apartment because he was so drunk. His sister was there, with her see-through shirt, and he kept saying he… "No, that was last week." I finally realized, telling myself out loud so I believed it.
"What was last week?" The groan beside me was more proof that it was Hunter I had broken the rules with, and he must have been as hammered as I was.
"Cruz broke the rules," I tried telling him.
"Last week."
"What rules?"
"We drank too much."
That was all we could manage before darkness took over, but when I awoke again, I finally opened my eyes. Looking around, I realized I was in my apartment, and Hunter and I were on the floor in my living room.
He was sound asleep, a soft snore being the only indication that he was alive. His arms were spread like he was waiting for a chalk outline of his body. His dark hair stood straight up, his clothes were disheveled, and he had my keys in his hand.
"Hunt?" I whispered. "Wake up."