Page 1 of Hell on Wheels
Smoke drifts alongthe hot desert sands, a twisting, curling vapor that signals death and destruction. A herald of the horror that awaits, inching closer with every step I make. Hidden behind each sand dune is another threat, relentless in the pursuit of death. The sun is merciless, and the dry heat crinkles every inch of my cammies. Sweaty layers of clothing press to my skin as I ignore the clinging material and the resulting chafe. My fingers and toes are scorched by the intense heat that I can’t escape, blazing down from above.
All around me, gunfire pops in quick succession. Bullets graze the building above my head as my ears ring, and I stare, dazed by the grenade that exploded twenty feet from my location only ninety seconds earlier. Hollow, sharp sounds change in frequency and pitch, squealing high as I wince. Somewhere close, the heavy chug of a 50-caliber rifle rumbles through my chest.
Staggering, I hold onto my side, noting the droplets of warm fluid that trickle over my fingers and leave a trail far too easy for my enemy to follow. My body is weak, disoriented, and probably in shock, but I’ve been trained for this type of scenario. I know how to handle my shit.
It’s my brothers I’m worried about.
We look out for one another. Would bleed for one another. Hell, we would die to protect each other and the country we love so much—loyalty, honor, and sacrifice are the building blocks of the machines we’ve become. Marines live and breathe by that code. We’d die by it, happily.
There aren’t enough bullets in the world to stop us. When one falls, another takes their place.
The thought gives me the strength to lift my head and keep moving.
Gunfire renews close to my position as I sneak through the debris, snaking my way among the ruins of this foreign city to rejoin my men. The Barrett 50-cal echoes in my head as I bump into a wall, clutching my rifle to my chest. I know the enemy is lurking around one of the corners ahead, and I can’t see well. When the grenade was set off, my vision became disrupted by the flash. I can feel my eyes water, but it doesn’t stop the blur or the echoes of pain that follow. I can hardly see more than shapes and blurs as my vision tunnels further, and I stay perfectly still, waiting for my body to adjust and recover.
Seconds pass, and clarity slowly returns but not enough. I’ve been wounded, but it won’t stop me. Up ahead, I hear a cry that lashes at my heart, ripping it wide open.
One of my brothers is dying.
I can’t find my way to him. I’m blinded and barred by the explosion, tripping as I rush into the madness.
I’m going to be too late to reach him.
I’ll be too late to save them all.
Chapter 1
“Were you having anothernightmare?”
What the fuck do you think?I wanted to shout.
Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair and squinted, staring at the therapist who enjoyed asking personal questions and watching me squirm. I bet she was one of those kids who studied ants under a magnifying glass to see if the direct sunlight would have any impact and fry them to a crisp or baited worms on a hook only to dangle the little suckers and wait patiently for the fish to bite.
“Not like I used to,” I finally admitted with a grunt.