Page 35 of Hell on Wheels
In the blink of an eye, his wings disappeared.
Lucifer dusted lint from his impeccably tailored suit jacket, lifting his hand as another parchment appeared. This one rolled downward from his fingertips, sporting dark purple, glittering nail polish, hitting the ground and finally ending next to my boots. Golden particles floated above the bloodred ink. A wax seal matched the color in the shape of a skull. The devil was nothing if not narcissistic and flamboyant. His vanity was almost comical.
“I need your signature. Your agreement.”
“To start the new chapter in Vegas? Not your call,” I dared to point out.
The devil smiled. Goddamn. That was creepy.
“I assume you know the founding chapter in NOLA?”
Of course. Patriot had filled me in.
“Then you understand that Jameson has the authority to approve new chapters. We spoke last night. A rather titillating conversation.”
I bet.
“There is no further obstacle to gaining all that you desire.”
Ha. Wasn’t that eloquently put?
Not so fast.
“What’s this gift you have for me? Other than the new members of my club?”
“Kane’s spirit,” he replied enthusiastically, clapping his hands together as the parchment stayed in place, lingering in the air. No part of his body touched the paper, yet it didn’t move.
With a swish of his hand, my dog appeared, galloping over to me with a wide open muzzle, licking my face. I couldn’t help choking up as I saw him. No visible injury. As happy as the day we met. Eager for my affection. His eyes brightened without pain or death to cloud them over.
“How?” I asked, knowing this couldn’t be real. Kane had died.
“Ah, but did he? You see, a canine’s spirit is different than a human one. They attach to their owners in a bond that can be almost impossible to break. Why do you think so many humans feel the presence of their pet or swear to see a glimpse after they pass?”
Sudden tears rushed to my eyes as I rubbed behind Kane’s ears, noting the ethereal texture of his body. A slightly translucent, almost ghost-like version of the hound I knew. “Explain what you mean.”
“I can combine his spirit with yours. Kane will live on inside you. You’ll feel his presence. His loyalty and love.”
“Will it harm him? I don’t want him ever to feel pain again.”
“No. It is painless for you both.”
Thinking it over, I wondered what changes would occur. “What will happen to him? To me? He’s an animal. I’m a human being. We’re not compatible.”
“Not in the physical sense. No. But this is a spiritual bond forming from an emotional one. You began the process in life. He’ll complete it once he’s become a part of you.”
This sounded weird. Really fucking weird.
“Yes. Deliciously unpredictable. Almost scandalous.” Lucifer’s eyes brightened to a shade of bright red.
His excitement freaked me the fuck out.
“I don’t know about this.”
“If you decline the merge, Kane will perish. His spirit will join the others in Hea,” he choked. “Heav, oh fuck. That happy place for believers.” He made a face. “Your choice.”
Sighing, I patted Kane’s neck. “I’d love to have you with me always, but—”
Kane began to growl. His gums bared as he snarled.