Page 14 of Tainted Deception
The longer I stayed here, the more the guilt would crack the wall I’d built since I met them at eighteen. I was never supposed to fall for them. Because I wouldn’t stop. Not until Chris and Hayes paid for what they’d done.
“And the girl who claims to hate both of us is the reason we haven’t killed each other,” Kian murmured, dragging me from my thoughts. “Tell me, Rynn. What the hell did Grimrose do?”
I met his eyes and smirked. “Nothing. And I don’t claim to hate you. I do. Especially now that you’re holding me against my will.”
He made a noise of annoyance, his hand still tight around my throat as I fed him lies again. Only this time, instead of the anger I was waiting for, he dropped his head, pressing his lips to mine in a bruising kiss. My moment of shock fizzled into something else when he kept kissing me, his fingers tightening around my neck until I couldn’t take a full breath. He was full of anger, and it all bled into the kiss. But I couldn’t deny the heated pleasure swarming through my body as he touched me.
He pulled away slightly, his lips barely grazing mine. “I know you can feel it. The chemistry we have is undeniable, Rynn. Fucking tell me I’m wrong.”
“You’re wrong,” I answered, surprising myself with how steady my voice was. Because on the inside, I was still burning from his kiss.
Kian leaned lower to brush his lips down my cheek, and I choked out a breath when I locked eyes with Jace, who was leaning against the bedroom doorway. His arms were crossed, his body entirely still. He didn’t acknowledge that I was looking at him, but his eyes were dark and stormy.
“Liar,” Kian rasped, finally releasing my throat. “But it’s okay. We have all the time in the world to work it out. Because I want to keep you, Rynn Rhodes. The anger. The hate. I’ll take it all too.”
My heart stuttered. “I’ve screwed you over. Twice now. And if you try to keep me here, I’ll only do it again.”
“Go for it,” he challenged, his voice gruff. “Try to leave and find out what happens.”
I lifted my chin, defiance rippling through me. “You’re going to regret saying that.”
“I don’t regret anything when it comes to you.”
With those words, he spun around. He froze when he saw Jace watching. They stared at each other for a few long moments before Kian muttered something about going to talk to Tripp. He pulled the key out of his pocket and unlocked the front door, slamming it behind him.
“I’m going to do my homework,” I mumbled, snatching my earbuds off the counter and putting them in my ears before remembering that I didn’t have my damn phone, so I couldn’t listen to my music. My bag was in my room, and I moved to slip by Jace, since he was still in the doorway. I was stopped in my tracks when he grabbed my arm.
“Kian isn’t the only one.”
I raised an eyebrow. “The only one what?”
“Who wants to keep you.”
He let go as suddenly as he grabbed me and walked to the kitchen counter, leaning against it as he scrolled through his phone. From where he was standing, he still had a view of most of my room, which made trying to go out the window impossible, even if it wasn’t locked tight.
I grumbled under my breath, falling face-first on my bed. I was leaving tonight. These boys were pulling my heart in every direction, and I couldn’t keep up. I needed to get back to Ellie and focus on the whole reason I was here.
I was on my back,staring at the ceiling as I listened to Kian’s even breathing while he slept. This was fucking risky, because unlike every other damn night, neither of the guys had drunk their usual bottle of drinks. Kian had less than half of his, and Jace had absolutely none. We’d barely eaten any of the takeout before both of their phones went off.
Something had clearly happened, since Jace had gone to talk to Pratt, and Kian had spent over an hour texting back and forth with someone. Not that either of them informed me of what was going on. No, they ignored my questions and barely spoke two words until I claimed that I was tired and going to bed. Like every night, Kian followed me and lay down at the same time.
I turned my head, seeing the outline of his sleeping form as I purposely shifted to see whether he’d stir. He didn’t move a muscle, and I wondered if he’d taken just enough of the crushed sleeping pills to sleep more deeply than he normally did.
Only one way to find out. What was the worst that could happen if they caught me? They were already with me twenty-four seven.
Taking a deep breath, I rolled over and slipped off the bed, looking back to see that Kian still hadn’t moved. My heart was thudding as I tiptoed to my dresser and grabbed the clothes I’d put on top of it earlier. I turned around, keeping my eyes on Kian as I stripped off my shirt and shorts, making quick work of slipping on the hoodie and leggings.
My gut knotted when I cracked open my top drawer and grabbed the other thing I needed. The next part was going to be more difficult. Creeping back toward the bed, I studied Kian, wishing he wasn’t covered by the blanket. I needed the fucking key that was in his pocket. I tossed around whether I should get it from Jace or Kian, but Kian seemed like the safer bet if I could pull this off.
I gently grabbed his arm, pausing to see if he’d wake up. When his calm breaths continued, I moved a bit more quickly, putting both his arms through the bars of my headboard. I took the belt I’d grabbed from my dresser and wrapped it tightly around his wrists, not stopping until I was sure it was snug. A smile tugged at my lips as I looked at his bound arms. That was the hardest part. Thank fuck he’d drunk some of the crushed pills earlier.
I hurried around my room, not being as quiet now that I knew he wasn’t going anywhere. I packed my backpack with a few things, wishing the guys hadn’t found all my weapons. I would have to take Kian’s knife with me before I left. My heart dropped when I heard movement from behind me, and I whirled around to see Kian trying to turn in his sleep.
I ripped open my dresser drawer, grabbing two other things before rushing back to the bed. By now, he was waking up and struggling against the belt, and I jumped on top of him, straddling his waist. Even with the dim lighting, I could see his eyes snap open, and he went rigid when he focused on me.
“Rynn,” he hissed, his voice still thick from sleep. “What the fuck—”